Major fish die off Help!!

Aug 4, 2017
Reaction score
United States
I had about 20 16" or larger, I had 30 6" give or take 2 to4 "s, and unknown count of small. There are 11 turtles only 3 are bigger that 5 or 6" the rest are very 4 " and 3".
My filtration is 2 large cast iron enamelled bath tubs with pea gravel,and lava rock and filter which fill from the bottom up, . We have one pump just circulating and the othe r pumping to the filters which them comes back in in a waterfall, and over rocks and on side of pond.
I am not on city water, have my own well.

As I said before though I have been doing ponds for 23 yrs and have never experienced this.
here are large areas that are 4 1/2 to 5 ft deep, the overall is 2 to 3 ft deep along the edges
If both large and small fish were affected then it is not likely an Oxygen problem.
What are you using for source water...municipal or well?
My own well.
and yes all sizes were affected
What did you add? Clear Pond.. is that an anti-algae liquid? Cause algae in a pond absorbs fish excrements and urine... you could have had an ammonia spike post adding this that killed the fish.
Its an all natural liquid which helps absorb the fish waiste as well as breaks down other foreign matter , have used it for the 6 years or more
its safe for plants and fish
What did you add? Clear Pond.. is that an anti-algae liquid? Cause algae in a pond absorbs fish excrements and urine... you could have had an ammonia spike post adding this that killed the fish.
have never had it cause a problem and you cant overdose the pond either, it has beneficial bacteria in it.
condolences on your loss
sounds like you need to first do a regimented testing of your water
follow @Meyer Jordan directions and he & others here will help you diagnosis your problem

odd that you had the same occurrence a few months ago
let us know more details on what you have done or observed
check back often and we'll help you get through this
So far we lost the majority of the fish I think some because their system were compromised how still not sure, we caught them trying to save them and may have caused them extra shock to their systems. We treated the water and edges with the Organic Pure Sea Salt9only no additives) according to what I could find my size pond needed 134 pounds, we added approx 50 pounds over a period of 24 hours after we drained all but 1/4 of water enough to keep the survivors we had not caught alive, then removed what ever muck left at bottom or sides in rocks that we could, I removed most of my plants which I hated doing but didnt have a choice as I wanted to remove the old root system from them and there was no other way. I do this maintanence every spring when the new growth starts but had missed a couple areas or those had checked out fine. There was a large area abot 1ft deep by 6 ft long by 2 ft wide I had not been able to remove the past couple years because of its location to the circulation hose and pump. So far have not lost anyone else out of 60 caught total this was all sizes 22 survived and were placed back in the pond.
Aug 4, 2017
Reaction score
United States
condolences on your loss
sounds like you need to first do a regimented testing of your water
follow @Meyer Jordan directions and he & others here will help you diagnosis your problem

odd that you had the same occurrence a few months ago
let us know more details on what you have done or observed
check back often and we'll help you get through this
Thank You! I posted more on here and updated what we havew done so far
When is the last time that you had the well water tested.....for Heavy Metals?
The chemical and mineral profile of well water can rapidly change depending on geographical location.
not that long ago but I am thinking I should do another one, as the plates and underground arteisan streams and wells have shifted.My plants and such are still flourishing better than ever they are growing in leaps and bounds more than usual, what normally is 2 feet tall to 3ft are at least a foot taller and faster than ever. I have Pickeral, dragon tail, cat tail. 2 different reeds and water iris. the water iris grew faster than ever where there was 1 to 3 bulbs there is now 20. and is twice the size in leaf and sten height and size
Aug 4, 2017
Reaction score
United States
Thank You! I posted more on here and updated what we havew done so far

not that long ago but I am thinking I should do another one, as the plates and underground arteisan streams and wells have shifted.My plants and such are still flourishing better than ever they are growing in leaps and bounds more than usual, what normally is 2 feet tall to 3ft are at least a foot taller and faster than ever. I have Pickeral, dragon tail, cat tail. 2 different reeds and water iris. the water iris grew faster than ever where there was 1 to 3 bulbs there is now 20. and is twice the size in leaf and sten height and size
I also had pennywart which grew in abundance but dont have much of it and Im thinking too much got taken out at one time.

Meyer Jordan

Oct 10, 2014
Reaction score
Pensacola, Florida
Hardiness Zone
United States
Thank You! I posted more on here and updated what we havew done so far

not that long ago but I am thinking I should do another one, as the plates and underground arteisan streams and wells have shifted.My plants and such are still flourishing better than ever they are growing in leaps and bounds more than usual, what normally is 2 feet tall to 3ft are at least a foot taller and faster than ever. I have Pickeral, dragon tail, cat tail. 2 different reeds and water iris. the water iris grew faster than ever where there was 1 to 3 bulbs there is now 20. and is twice the size in leaf and sten height and size

Heavy metals, especially Copper and Zinc, would need to be at levels that killed all of the fish before the plants would show any indications. Plants are routinely used in constructed wetlands for the sole purpose of adsorbing Heavy Metals and other chemical pollutants.
I would have it tested.
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
Some sort of virus I'm guessing. Pond business can be a cruel hobby, sorry for the lost.
Dec 21, 2015
Reaction score
Hershey, PA
Hardiness Zone
United States
I'm still with the idea that the product you applied did it. With enough algae kill you will get a spike of ammonia. Doesn't matter if it never happened before. Maybe your pond was not loaded with as much fish as before. Beneficial bacteria in those products mix bacteria that converts ammonia and nitrites, not just ammonia. Algae sucks in ammonia fast. It's too coincidental to have the kill happen after the product is applied.
Can you show us the product?

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