That sounds absolutely wonderful! How lovely to be able to just sit and relax and watch them, endlessly fascinatingAs noted above, you'll be fine. I have 32 koi, a few that are 16", along with over 100 gf, many of which are 8+ inches, and I see more than a few youngsters that are maybe 1/2" swimming right along with their elders. If you feed regularly, you have less chance of predation. That's why we recommend NOT feeding if you worry about overstocking. The first babies you get are the cute one so; thereafter, you tend to be less attached!
yes I totally agree that this first one is my ‘baby’ because he is the only survivor. Next year’s ones will no doubt fascinate me too now I know they will breed but yes, I’m not sure what I’d do with a lot of babies build another pond lol