Liner Types and costs per sq. ft.

Sep 29, 2010
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South carolina
Hardiness Zone
United States
Epdm will last longer than your interest in fish if you consider a couple design issues. UV worries? Build the pond so the liner is not exposed to direct sunlight. Some use a rock trim that hides the liner at the surface. We used Trex as a trim around a raised pond. We also used a pergola with a 90 percent sunshade fabric overhead. No sun damage after 11 years. The only other threat to the liner is termites. Yes termites. Tree roots form around the underside of the liner from surrounding trees. Forms a basket after many years. Trees are cut down and the roots die. Water condenses on the underside of the liner like water condenses on the inside of a car window, and termites only need dead wood and water to be attracted. They gnaw at the underside as they drink the water. Eventually the liner develops small pinholes from the gnawing. They do the same thing to flexpipe.
May 26, 2014
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Hardiness Zone
RPE RPp is durable and strongest , no need for underlay , its lightest as its half in size will be stronger then epdm pvc, less chance of puncture , its stiffer less flexible may be harder installing and may not be suitable for very deep large ponds .

PVC is strong after it but not recommended for places where too much sun or too much cold ... exposed to sun it will deteriorate quick , its flexible enuf to withstand moderate depths and corners twists, doesnot get puncture easily as epdm , durability is i think same as epdm in moderate environment , will withstand chemicals and salts , may need thin or maynot need underlay , joint seam is thermal strong , cheapest , some types may leach chemicals if not verified ,

Epdm is heaviest difficult to ship, most flexible , best for deep large ponds , best for extreme climates and cold can withstand sun more, can get punctured , will not withstand chemicals & salts , will always need underlay , joints seams may be weak

depends whats suites your needs and environment , i have pvc 75 as i didnot have issue of toomuch sun and cold , i had issue of roots & salts so its better then rubber in this case
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