I have too many! We currently have Buddy, little miss, sable, Blondie, eyebrows, martini, chipmunk, jessy, and Brittney for dogs. Would like to get it down to just buddy and sable. For cats, we have cj, who is old and has cancer, possum, and seven, those three I adopted from a co worker who was moving. Then we have allegra, momma cat, mousy, the twin boys, spook, gringus, snack 2.0, and aslan, as outside cats. Snack is going to be Austin's once he moved back, and Asian is johns once he can take him. Then I have the three inside kittens, sky diver, freckles, and ziggy. Zigggy is mousys only surviving baby, and he was now legged from tendon constricture. I had to splint his legs for about a week, and has turned into my little snuggle boy. Once hes big enough, I'll get him fixed so he can stay inside, but the two girls will be finding homes as they are too white to be barn cats. We also have a white cockatiel named snow, and I have a common grackle I'm letting heal up from a broken wing and bare tail, that's Mr grumpy. If he doesn't heal well, I'll set up an aviary for him outside.