There is a group among them:
Swamp Pirates of Qarsherskiy
Qarsherskiy Swamp Pirates (Qarshkī: قارشيرصكئ سْوَامْپ پِارَيتْس also spelled as ق (Romanization: Qaaf; literally the Arabic letter for Q) is the privateering force based in
Islamic Sultanate of Qarsherskiy comprised of pirates who steal from enemies of Qarsherskiy during war times and sell their goods to support themselves and Qarsherskiy. This helps Qarsherskiy get through sanctions and weaken the enemies. In total there is atleast 47 personnel in the Qarsherskiy Swamp Pirates group.
The Qarsherskiy Swamp Pirates are viewed critically and positively by different people. Islamic clerics and scholars say stealing is Haram, meaning not allowed in Islam, and that the pirates are not good people. The Qarsherskiyan government views them as a valuable ally which weakens the enemy by targeting and pillaging enemy trade routes and enriches the military by donating half of the money they make to Qarsherskiy‘s army. Justification for the piracy is made due to the fact that the Qarsherskiy Swamp Pirates only target hostile enemies who are using money generated from their goods to obtain weaponry which is used against Qarsherskiy. Many young people see the pirates of Qarsherskiy’s woods, lakes, and swamplands as heroic men and women.
Conflicts involved in
The Qarsherskiy Swamp Pirates were actively involved in the
Pond-Water Neo-Nazi war and supported Qarsherskiy in the struggle against the Neo-Nazis such as:
Battle of Khateeshkiy
Active Locations
BasaraQ Triangle, Lake ‘Aydn County
Coastal shallows, Lake ‘Aydn
RC boat shipping ports, Lake Qarsherskiy