The "standard" wisdom has evolved to 1000 gallons for the first koi and 500 for each one after that. But honestly, all ponds are so different it would be hard to really nail it down.
Here's a chart I like to share that shows the difference between say 24 inches of koi (which is probably close to an average for koi) and 24 inches of goldfish:
This chart also lists koi weight by weight and how much ammonia and waste they produce. Koi get heavier as they grow and produce more ammonia and waste.
You can see that four 6 inch goldfish (or 24 inches of fish) would produce about 80 grams of waste per day. One 24 inch koi would produce 1,255 grams per day... dramatically different! Mathematically speaking you could have SIXTY 6 inch goldfish or one 24 inch koi... so it's really a personal choice. A few big fish or a lot of small ones. And goldfish come in so many colors and sizes - long flowing fins or sleek bodied ones. Calicos, sarassas, deep orange... maybe not as dramatic as that big 2 foot long fish, but just as pretty as any koi.