Koi Fish Belly Flops

Jan 21, 2018
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United States
This summer, my Koi (over 10+ inches long) started jumping up in my backyard pond. I have had the larger ones for over five years and this is the first summer I witnessed this unusual behavior. I researched it, but I couldn't find a reference that seemed to be applicable. Have anyone else experienced this and maybe have an answer? Thank you.
I have a nice fantail goldfish who likes to "roll over" a lot. We were "visited" by a heron this past summer when we had the net off for about 3 days - and my biggest comet was "eaten". Since then this particular fantail (my only one then) got these spots on her - which grew bigger - and I phoned an ichythyologist friend for advice. He said to get something called "methylene blue" (am not positive of the first word) and we did it and it worked. It was a lot of work getting her caught - put in a tub with the chlorine evaporated - and then a bucket for some prescribed seconds with the blue stuff in it - but it surely did work. She has no spots now - and has not grown as big as my others - but I think she was fine. I only think she "flips" when I am there (I talk to my fish & they all have names). When I am not talking to them (while feeding them), I have never seen her do this. I dearly love my fishies....


Sep 20, 2014
Reaction score
I had a similar issue, went to my fish supplier who told me it was probably parasites so he gave me some blue liquid and told me to put a small amount in the pond once a month. Since then a few years or so ago I haven't had one single illness with any of my fish its called parasite and fungus made by NT labs, watch you don't get it on your hands as its near on impossible to get off them I always wear gloves .
Thanks for your input. They have stopped jumping up. Sorry for the late response.

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