I have no issue with being skeptical at all... All I am saying is just because something isnt typical, doesnt mean impossible. I definately would not handle the Alaskan winters well at all, but if I was slowly acclimated to it, I just may do okay... Whether by need or accident, many species, man included, have migrated and been able to adjust to non typical environments. We use koi as an example to being able to tolerate lower temps (quick search said 35-85) but we know they can handle temps outside of this range for short periods... Define short... days? weeks? MONTHS??? So... my QUESTION is... if loaches "can do well" in the 50s, what about 10 or 20 degrees lower, and if so, for how long? days? weeks? MONTHS? Here in Massachusetts, the top of our pond has frozen over completely three times now, yet most of the time when I check the pond temp (surface) it is in the low 40s... IF all other factors for the survival of these loaches are correct, to what lower temp can they be acclimated to?