Oh good deal; 400-gallons is much better
. For my delicate fish I use an AccuDrip acclimator which is really an IV hose set with a clamp. I don't use it for pond fish but have another way to drip acclimate them. This is for radical pH changes. Do this in the shade, early in the morning or after sunset to prevent overheating. Float the fish in a bag in the pond (inside a pond...not aquarium size fish bag), leaving plenty of space for the addition of water and slowly drip pond water into the bag. Use aquarium airline tubing and clamp it down to slow the flow to a drip. A close pin works depending on the hose you use, . I use surgical hose that is very flexible so it clamps easily. Stabilize the bag so it doesn't fold over or fall into the pond. Keep the top of the bag open. Put pond water in a bucket above the pond (on a chair if necessary) and start your siphon. Adjust the flow to only add perhaps a cup per hour for radical pH changes. Use judgment, if the air temperature is really hot, change the bucket (put new pond water in it) to prevent overheating the fish in the bag. This should not be a problem this time of year since you are in Florida zone 9. I just received a notice about your pond and pH. Let nature do it's job. Sure hopes this helps. Please let us know how things go. By the way, nice pond!