Idk my intake bay pulls all the floating crap into it, which is mostly plants that are getting ripped up by koi and those annoying helicopters seeds off maple trees this past spring. I do have those Aquascape power heads in the pond creating a circular flow near the surface, so surface debris gets pushed in the direction of the intake bay. Will say leaves aren’t an issue with my pond, as none really fall into it. Mostly went with intake bay over negative edge due to the turtles in my pond.
Agree that you can size a skimmer for a large pond, still use a skimmer at the far end of my pond by the bridge to feed one of the bogs. The other skimmer is abandoned at the moment, in favor of the intake bay, but May end up putting a pump of some sort in there if I add another water feature like one of the 4-5’ tall urns…..
With the intake bay as well, you can always add or remove rocks at the weir/entrance to the intake bay to create the desired effect. Ie widening/narrowing the weir, lowering/raising the depth at weir entrance even after the pond is done, if it doesn’t come out how you imagined.