Inside Plant Pond progress:-)

Mar 20, 2011
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near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
I would think that as long as the plants are in water that stays the same temp, they will be fine. Not sure about that, though. I had all my plants in the basement last year, just 2 - 4' shop lights with regular bulbs, and they all did fine, so my guess is you have a good amount of light for GROWING your plants. And, the fact you are heating the water to keep it more "tropical", I have a feeling you are going to have really great results for your plants ... and the fish! BTW, I didn't have any type of filtration for the plants, just added water as it dried out. I'm sure going to want to see how your plants do in your indoor system. I'm still not sure how I will keep my taros and elephant ears and tropical lilies, but thinking I'll be storing them dry this year. Or, put them in a shallow pan by my east window, along with the other plants I brought in from the wind onslaught today.
Jun 14, 2012
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Oshawa, Ontario
I have my papyrus under a 400w MH in 22C water and it's dying. Room temp is around 22-24C Where my hardy grass type plants are doing well and my planters outside the pond are too. I may change to growlux lights too
Jul 2, 2012
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Cape Cod, MA
Last winter, I dont think the basement ever went much below 60. IF my memory is correct, the other pond (I think it is 5x10x2) dropped once to 56 or 58... This pond is only holding about 14" of water... but hubby put the foam insulation under it too, and that isnt under the QT. Have a feeling it is gonna be a colder winter than last year. In a perfect world, all the plants will do well, and the WH will multiply. I can always move extras to the QT tank. I bought 250 this spring, and the ponds were naked most of the summer.

I dont know how good the growlux bulbs are. All I can say is I had great results with them over veggie and flower seeds, so hoping they are halfway decent. Will try to remember to post once a week or so with how the plants are all doing.
Jul 2, 2012
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Cape Cod, MA
I dont think the 19 3-3.5" comets will make more waste than the plants can handle, but know outside, the water hyacinths with current grew bigger...
Mar 20, 2011
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near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
Cape, I also bought a bunch of hyacinths really cheap, 100 of them in the spring. They had 2' long roots, I was amazed! They did just fine for about a month, then began dying. I thought maybe it was the water variables (PH, KH, etc.). Someone said maybe too hot. Put some in a bucket in more shade and they did better, then moved a few to a water "pot" that I had intended to be lotus pot (the lotus died), and they flourished! No moving water, just as hot if not hotter, full sun ... still not sure why they were dying in the ponds. I had them in a netted ring, so no chewing on roots. Some in goldfish pond, some in koi, same results in each ... dying. wonder if they don't like the moving water, but others posted they LOVE moving water! Mine were still blooming last week. So, next year I can buy 10 and put them in the pots with the lotus that I'm planning to start from seen in the end of winter, and hope they do well again.
I'm hoping you have good luck and can teach us all about growing hyacinths inside. I had some last summer, brought into garage in buckets of water, flourescent light above them. They did fantastic for a month, then moved them to the basement, same light, little higher up maybe, and they died. Go figure!
Jul 2, 2012
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Cape Cod, MA
hearing the different things people have said, I dont know what to believe anymore. I too thought water quality/lack of nutrients this spring... they were just coasting along, but not growing... then the heat hit... they suffered... moved some up to the bog (a tiny bit of shade, verses FULL all day sun) and they did better (but it is also shallower than the pond too)... the ones in the bog next to the water fall got much bigger/taller, than the ones over by the lilies (calm water)... we still have some blooming NOW (inside and outside). At first I was thinking they are confused (other plants in the YARD have been confused too), but then thinking maybe shocking and forcing their last ha-rah... I am wondering if we will see some decrease in the quality of the WH inside at first, but today, hubby noticed that his black magic taro has perked up (warmer, plus it has been overcast).... Water temp in the plant pond is up to 65 (shooting for 70-72 to start), verses I think hubby said the outside pond yesterday was at 58..... Have the timer for the lights set for 17 hours (6 am - 11 pm). Fert wise, hubby only put a few pills in today (almost out)... He only put one pill in each potted plant (plans to repeat in 2 wks, not 6 wks), but half of them should have gotten 5 pills alone (container says one per each gallon of planting media - 5 plants are in 5 gallon pots) and then just dropped 4 pills in the corner next to the heater/pump... For the WH, that will be more fert than they are used to.
Jul 2, 2012
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Cape Cod, MA
It has only been 10 days now, but the plants are looking pretty good. I didnt do a very good job (yet) cleaning the plants when they came in (was in a hurry) but it seems as tho those who shocked outside (had brown leaves) have kept the brown, with a slight progression BUT also seeing new growth. I tagged one plant (really fancy at that, I have the string from the thermometer draped over it LOL) to follow. Attaching two pics of the same plant. Couldnt decide which I liked the lighting better to see the new growth:)

Havent added more fert yet, and the water temp is holding at 71. Still have the lights on the timer for 6 am - 11 pm.


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Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
Wow, Cape, if you call that hyacinth damaged from the weather, I sure cannot see any brown, other than next to the bulb, due to growth. They are beautiful. Good luck with your basement greenhouse. Will be watching the progress this winter.
Jul 2, 2012
Reaction score
Cape Cod, MA
I did some cleaning (removed brown leaves/bulbs) but have only gotten part way through them. Attaching 2 more pics. One is the typical inside plant that still needs to be cleaned, and another is outside. The outside pic looks much better in the pic than outside. Lots of browned leaves/bulbs, tiny dots and stripes of brown, and lighter green then they were.

Started the lights about 12-15" over the WH, with the timer set the same way I started seedlings. Trying to watch the leaves to determine if it is okay to cut the time back, or if the lights need to be raised.


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