Light wise, I am not 100% sure what hubby has planned. I have 2 48" shoplights that have 4, growlux bulbs in them, that worked great to start my veggies inside that are getting moved first (today), but know we need more. He has to get some wiring done... I'm worried about it, but he says a few days of being "overcast" in the basement isnt going to be a big deal.
Im really not feeling warm and fuzzy about the chances for the water hyacinths. They took a hit Thursday night outside. Got several in Friday night before the freeze advisory and those look better than what I pawed through yesterday grabbing a few more...
Moved the comet babies that were in the QT pond in with the plants last night... moving the water hyacinths yesterday, we found a lot of dragonfly nymphs in the tote. Free food for 3" fish. Besides, it looks like we need the room.
Been trying to break down the kiddie pool in the kitchen. Been keeping the smaller babies there, and as they get 2" or so, been moving them to the basement. Well, it is looking like we are about to start the baby game all over again.
Hubby built a gravel and rock wall to keep the comets and shubunkins in the upper pond. Worked great EXCEPT for he had to bury a perforated pipe in the gravel so to not impede the waterfall into the main pond... yup, those holes are small enough for fish to not get through, but FRY can!!!! So now have the 30 gallon tank going again, with 15 babies so far. These were all under the creeping primrose roots, but if he got 15 so fast, you know there are a FEW out there. Three of them look like they only detached a few days ago at best, they still swim funny ... and bodies are transparent. The big ones, are maybe a third of an inch... Just big enough to tell that some are shubunkins (shorter/rounder face with big black eyes), and some are comets (gold sides), and a couple who I just cant tell yet. So much for him evicting all the comets and shubunkins LOL.