It's going really well. Thanks for asking.
We added another five small comets, for a total of eleven. One didn't make it after a few days, but the rest seem to be thriving.
A few weeks in, the water got pretty murky and green from algae. Ph shot up a bit also, to 8.0. I built a flower pot filter with lava rock and added three water hyacinths. The water cleared up and the Ph came back under control. Now the hyacinths are spreading and turning a bit yellow and starting for nutirents. I think they're too aggressive so I'll thin them back.
I'm not checking the water chemistry as consistently as I would have liked, to watch the nutrogen cycle. I think I've hit a bit of an equilibrium. Though my water test kit didn't come with nitrate solution, so I haven't been monitoring that. Is it that critical as long as the nitrites aren't spiking and the plants seem healthy?
I really need to get building the brow beds for some late-summer plantings.