Hello, everyone!
I have a 125-gal pond in my backyard that my husband and I built for our two turtles over the summer. I've had my turtles for 8 years, and this is the first year they will be outside for the winter (as long as we can find a suitable water heater). We have been unsuccessful in our search for a water heater so far, so any advice would be greatly appreciated. All we can find are the de-icers, which do not work since we are in the Savannah, GA area where temperatures don't usually reach freezing. We ordered a de-icer a couple of months ago, but found out after it arrived that they do not cut on until the water reaches freezing, so they do not actually heat the water.
We have seen plenty of aquarium heaters, but our pond is made of hard plastic pond liner, so we are concerned that if we try to put an aquarium heater in there, it will melt the plastic. I am looking for recommendations for heaters or other ways that we can keep the water at a comfortable temperature for them. We recently moved the above ground water filter to a sunny corner in an effort to try and heat the water up that way, but that is only a temporary fix. Any and all advice would be greatly appreciated!
Please note that I understand that wild turtles survive in winter all the time; however, my turtles were raised in captivity, so they are not accustomed to colder temperatures. Please do not comment if you are going to suggest that our turtles will "be fine". If we are unable to find a suitable heater, we plan to bring them back inside for the winter. We are just exploring all options at this point.
I have attached a photo of our pond, so you can see what we're working with.