I like the ones that have a light blue color to them
Those sound gorgeous, do you guys have any?
Comets and shubunkins are much heartier than fantails and I would stick to those. If you don't want a lot of babies don't overfead and the fish will find a natural balance because they will eat eggs and fry. Also don't add in too many plants like anacharis and hornwort because babies will hide in them. My goldfish don't disturb my plants unless they are spawning. They may make a little mess but don't eat them. The fewer fish you have and the less you feed them the easier the pond will be to care for. Other than the water changes I do in the spring, once I set up my pond it requires maybe just a few minutes of work per week to skim the pond and thats about it. Oh and that's not really work!
That sounds good, I skim my pond daily now, it's my free therapy

I am leaning toward shubunkins, I understand they are faster swimmers and since I won't be netting, I'd like to give them a fair shot at making a swim for it should predators come fishing.
Here are some of my shubunkins colored fan tails I got for my deck pond. They will be moved to the big pond for the winter
I don't feed a lot, the ponds have never gotten over run with fry. Every now and then I see a small fish, but not many. They all snack on the eggs. And tadpoles, dragon fly larvae, frogs and now a water snake joins the snacking group.
Addy they are beautiful, I guess I never paid attention to what kind of fish they were. How big are they? I love the coloring and the size and since I have plenty of taddies, frogs, and dragon fly larvae I think I'll be good.
"About five inches is a more likely adult size for the Shubunkin Goldfish. But 18 inches size is possible for fish in exceedingly well maintained large tanks and ponds
I guess that answers my question. Your's look way larger than 5" though.