crsublette said:
How does it feel like being famous?

Bad Girls, Snooki puking famous? I can only hope.
crsublette said:
Yeah, I understand what ya mean, but I am never going to look into writing a book nor make a profit from any of my opinions in this hobby.
Did a little thing about 4 years ago, didn't think anything of it. $200-300 check arrives every month, and I only get 20% of the take. That's when I got curious about what the heck is going on with the Internet. I knew people were making money but this was pretty easy. Of course plenty of projects go nowhere too. But still, worth considering. I keep options open.
crsublette said:
It's a good point. I might just store it on some free joint like 100webspace or something; although, I imagine it is cheap as heck to reserve your own DNS nowadays or I think my ISP my actually provides something for free.
If by NDS you mean domain name, yeah, 99 cents for the first year is easy to get. For trying out new stuff I use
NearlyFreeSpeech. It's bare bones which I like. Good basic support for PHP. I don't like complex every bell and whistle, changing every week hosting. It's pay as you go, 25 cents to put up a site. No hidden anything. They're anal about disclosure. No dancing bears, just hosting. So hosting your own site is $1.24 for the first year, plus some money for the bandwidth of people using your site. No visitors, no charge. You deposit what you want to spend and if the site goes crazy and your deposit is spent they just take down the site, so you don't get a $1,874,243 credit card bill. When a site does well I move it to a set fee hosting site, visitors never know the difference.
I maybe pay $20 a year for multiple incubator type sites, some years a lot less when I'm not screwing around with sites.
IMO the free sites are more hassle than they're worth, but I haven't used one in a long time. GeoCities, ask your grandparents. Advertising $$$ goes to them, so you provide the content and they earn the money. I'm a capitalist.
crsublette said:
I actually had a run in with a person that copyrighted their material and took it offline, which I had it PDF archived prior to this transition. I still have it and use it, but now she has tagged me with a significant warning stating to never distribute it
I don't know what this "tag" thing is but that type of junk can follow you around for a long time. Years from now you could be applying for something and up pops that gem. Nobody is going to care whether it's valid or not because you're never going to talk to a person. Like the Honey Badger, computers don't give a crap.
crsublette said:
which is a shame since it is very good information that all pond hobbiests should know. I asked if there was any compromise and there was none.
Just re-write it, hopefully with improvements. That's the way the world works. New work is almost always based on the work of others. Word for word copying is against the law. Plagiarism isn't cool. Easy enough to stay away from both.
Good artists copy, great artists steal -Picasso
crsublette said:
I think there is too much in this hobby where folk are trying to make a profit. Ugh, the big DIYer that invented the standard design of the pond upflow S&G filter... I can't remember his name now, but definitely could find it if I looked it up. Well, all his projects now are locked up in secrecy and I have yet to see any of them sold, except supposedly I have the impression that they are sold somewhere. So, we just get gossip from him whenever he shows up to do a job for someone. The guy is quite talented and it is a shame he does not want to improve the hobby more than what he is doing.
I don't see it. I designed, manufactured and sold pond vacuums for a couple of years. It was kind of popular, but building these types of things one at a time is a money loser. People doing it imo maybe cover costs. I assume they do it because they enjoy it, like I did. But after making a couple of hundred the fun wears off and it's time to move on. When I moved to Phoenix the concept of making these in a 115F shop was even less appealing.
I have a magic filter, basically a fabric filter that's cheap and easy to clean. Pretty sweet really, can even clear a green pond (depending on algae life cycle). Had it about 15 years now. Used to use it when I cleaned ponds. Could go from green to sparkling clean in 24 hours...guaranteed or no charge. Worked great, made OK money. Doing something one at a time is tough to make an actual living. It was fun for a while, but so are other things.
Thought about posting instructions for the filter but geez, read any pond forum and see how any innovation is treated. When people first suggested Trickle Towers worked they were brutalized and I don't mean that as hyperbole. They took months and months of crap. To see if it worked all people had to do was pile up some rocks, run water of it and measure ammonia...that's it. Would take an hour maybe. Instead people spent hours and hours writing one nasty post after another. After enough people did finally try it and opinion shifted these forum "experts" just changed their posts to like they supported it all along, even help invent it. I find it pretty disgusting.
Not really very attractive investing a lot of time to push any new concept (or even ones that have been around a long time but are unknown in a specific forum). Plus my fabric filter requires some building detail and effectiveness varies by water condition, so there would be plenty of ammo for haters to line up around the block to shoot their made up SOP forum logic crap at it. They live for that. I doubt seriously posting the instructions would do anything other than create yet another forum crap storm (any forum). Plus there are other filters today that probably do as good a job, so not much point.
On Koiphen I've mentioned my waterfall catch basin concept a few times and each time it's ridiculed. That's fine, have to expect that in any forum. I'm a low life Water Garden person coming into a Koi Pond, how dare I suggest a concept from a Water Garden. I'm sure not going to be staying up late at night to push the concept. What the crap do I care if someone wants to spend 2x for pumps and electric? Well gee, in the past couple months 2 new gunite Koi ponds are using the same concept and the forum experts think it's just the best idea ever. Forums.
It's not really bitterness, it's more that forums are not the proper place for new ideas. Yeah, it's possible, but talk about taking the hard route. I like the hobby, but not that much. And it often just plain doesn't work because the haters are extremely good at what they do. Have to respect them at their craft.
I think the best forum for new ideas is going directly to the market place. That worked way better for the Muck Mop. If you introduce any new concept to most forums it's going to upset the resident posters who want to keep the false mantle of expert. New people read that crap and don't try the system. But advertise directly to the customers, they buy it, try it, and they start posting in forums how great it works and the resident posters, because they live in their only tiny little world and never read anything else, don't have a clue what this system is and they have to play catch up to discredit it. If you can get enough actual users posting the experts don't stand a chance. Then they have to start promoting the system too because their game is to repeat whatever the most popular opinion is...just post it more often and before anyone else to be the expert. Forums are no big secret.
Why forum bots are the future imo. You don't need actual people to praise a product, if the bots are good. Then the resident posters fall into line and you're golden. The next step..bots as resident posters...
try to take over the world -
the Brain.
crsublette said:
If this is a concern, then Inventors and writers need to get their crap together by getting it properly patented or copyrighted already and actually figureing out a distribution system if that is their concern.
No forms needed for copyright, nothing to file, no cost.
I didn't patent the Muck Mop or other things. Not worth the cost and effort. I think a lot of inventors get hung up on patents, I did at first. Screw patents. Some companies I work for sometimes do file patents in my name, not sure any were ever approved, but they have different reasons for patents. They trade them.
There are a few stories of inventors patenting something and doing well, but there's a butt load more of patents being a waste of time. If a product takes off there's time to patent it. Or if you're going to pitch a product to another company...apply for a patent first. Doesn't have to be granted to have protection.
Same with incorporating. I used to a lot, but it really doesn't help a small time dude like me. If a big company comes after me I'm not going to hire a legal team. I'm going to roll over, pull down my pants and hope they buy me dinner afterwards. If I have something worth while I normally sell / license it to a real company. They have the muscle and I don't mind getting a smaller cut. Bonus is I normally get to keep my pants on. Inventing stuff and running a company is two completely different jobs. I suck at running companies. I suck at patents. There are other ways. Create first.
crsublette said:
I think there are Internet business services out there now that creates a proper distribution system while legally maintaining integrity of ownership
I don't know of any illegal ones. No reason to be illegal when billions of people are ready, willing and able to freely and happily hand over great content. Facebook doing almost $2B a quarter and 99.99999% of its content was provided for free. Facebook even tells people what they can and cannot provide. That is one great deal. Forums, Twitter...never in the history of the world has any business model come this close to getting free labor. Egyptian Pharaohs had higher labor costs.
crsublette said:
It's so aggravating when folk give honest hobbyiests' a hard time for just wanting to help others enjoy the hobby. Ugh, I dislike Aquascape so much for promoting this mentality.
DIY is a tiny part of the total number of ponds. I don't believe Aquascape has really ever converted any DIY person, or potential DIY person, to their product. Pretty rare anyways. It's such a small market and it doesn't spend money.
I think it flows the other direction. More hobbyists because of Aquascape. They have the numbers, and some of those people are going to get more interested in ponds as a hobby. More moving to Koi Pond than Water Garden though, just like Water Gardens can be a gateway drug to Koi Ponds..
I think more ponds get filled in because of the crap info other hobbyists hand least it seems that way to me because I've filled in more ponds than I've built and the reason is always the same. "You know, I tried barley straw and that didn't work. I tried peroxide...I tried....So now I'm done with this pond". On the other hand, people who follow Aquascape's format seem to keep their ponds a pretty long time. For the huge number of Aquascape owners there are they're forums are pretty quiet, not a lot of bitching. And I get the same impression when talking to Aquascape owners. They don't really think too much about their pond. Just a pretty landscape feature. I don't think many would become a hobbyist if their pond was taken away.
But I'm biased. I've built ponds in the past and I built basically the same pond over and over. Wasn't that much different from Aquascape. I tailored it to the people not fish. The reason I like ponds so much is for the wildlife in an urban environment. More birds, reptiles and other animals. So to me the more ponds the better. If they're not perfect for fish well bummer. World isn't a fair place and I didn't get to vote.