Wayne, rocked bottom ponds are just lovely, when the rocks are clean. Trouble is it's lots of trouble, cleaning and emptying the pond all the time and moving the fish around, you won't actually get a real pond, you will have a "sterile hole in the ground" with only fish for aquatic life. Ponds are not supposed to be a "sterile hole in the ground" either. Lots of people have rocks in the bottom of their ponds, and even covered in mossy green algae. Rocks serve many purposes in the pond, the more "surface area" you have, the more room for good bacteria to grow, which is also good. Rocks also provide hiding places for snails, baby fish to hide, and other aquatic life too. You don't have to clean them all the time either. It's OK to have them covered in soft mossy growth. It will help balance your pond and make your water quality better.
Then there is the issue of moving the fish, not good for the fish to constantly net them, they will stay "wild" and it will be harder to hand feed them, cause they remember you as that "monster" with the big net, and then you will destroy their fish eggs with all that cleaning. Some of my fish weigh over 5 pounds and have never been netted in twenty years! I don't even have a net that big, if I ever redo the top pond where they have lived for so long, then I would have to make a net out of a soft pillow case or something, their just that big!
The more you clean your pond, the worse the water quality will be. You will never get your pond off that "UV light" cause you never give the pond time to "balance", so them you all be stuck in that endless cleaning cycle, that gets you no where fast.
I never clean my pond, never change the water, and people ask me why my pond looks so clean all the time. I tell them the pond "cleans its self", I just clean the filters every once in a while, and not too often in the hot summer, cause there is aquatic life living in the filter too, like red thin worms and other aquatic life, that eats the filter guck nicely.
If you constantly clean the pond, then your water plants suffer the most. How will you ever grow big powerful sedges that clean the pond better than any filter on the market?? Some if my sedges are so heavy, they are very very difficult to divide in the very early spring, let alone all the time, cause they weigh a "ton".
Cleaning the pond aways is a nightmare, and defeats the purpose of creating a "truly natural aquatic wonder", which is what most people really want. Wayne your rocks are wonderful, but they would be more wondrous if there was plants springing to life in between them as soon as the ice melts, and snails moving on the rocks, water striders racing across the pond to get bugs that bug your Lilly, frogs hopping around and dragonflys hatching each year out of the sedges that line the pond edges, gently blowing in the summer breeze, while providing shade to the shallow areas, and maybe birds singing all around.
Hope you get there some day, looking forward to seeing some plants in your pond, cause you put so much work into the development of your pond, and you like me, love your rocks, I just use them in different ways!