The advice on pond turn over IS the amount that needs to go through your filter - if the bog is your only filter, then the water needs to flow through it the appropriate amount of times per hour. In your case, you need to have 900 - 1200 LPH flow through the filter. Your bigger question might be whether a 50L bog will be big enough, if it's your only filter.
And yes - the "how slow through a bog is slow enough" question has been discussed here frequently. I know we've seen charts that show formulas, but that's math. haha! Like you, we have one pump that feeds both the bog and a small stream. We have a series of valves that we can direct more or less water to each - I just play around with them until it feels "right". No math, no formula, just feeling. Not helpful, I know!
One thing that concerns me is the size of your pump - if your pond is only 5-600 liters, your pump is seriously oversized at 4000 LPH. You'd be fine with a smaller pump.
And yes - the "how slow through a bog is slow enough" question has been discussed here frequently. I know we've seen charts that show formulas, but that's math. haha! Like you, we have one pump that feeds both the bog and a small stream. We have a series of valves that we can direct more or less water to each - I just play around with them until it feels "right". No math, no formula, just feeling. Not helpful, I know!
One thing that concerns me is the size of your pump - if your pond is only 5-600 liters, your pump is seriously oversized at 4000 LPH. You'd be fine with a smaller pump.