Hi everyone, here is an update. At the time I was last on this thread, I did a 25% water change and was getting the same readings so I added API Ammo lock. A few hours I was still getting high readings so I added Prime as someone had suggested it. I Was once again still getting high readings, then someone told me I'd still get high readings because the ammonia was binded by the product so as not to hurt the fish but the ammonia is still in there. I thought the Ammo lock was going to convert it as I believe that's what the package said. I was testing a couple of hours after mixing though and perhaps it needed overnight. After adding the Prime, the fish seemed much happier. So I guess the mix worked. The binding process of the Prime product seems much more instantaneous than the conversion process of Ammo lock.
I did another 25% water change a couple of days later. Another 25% a couple of days after that. I tested the water today and the ammonia was .75, so I'm much happier with that. I'll do another water change in a couple of days and check it again then. My pond guy came out over the weekend and said he feels the fish will be fine with what I have and to just stay on top of the water changes. My husband doesn't want me to build the trickle filter since it's an eye sore. Being the readings came down I guess I don't have a lot to prove to him we need it. If all goes well we should have the pond done end of November. I did get the digital PH pen and those readings looked ok. I also got the API GH and KH test kit. I still don't really understand it though. It took me 13 drops to get the GH and 23 for the KH. What does that mean? All fish and the turtle seem to be doing good. Except one fish who got a gash on his face somehow. I took him out, sedated him with clove oil, set him on a folded wet towel on top of bubble wrap, placed another wet towel on him, and cut of the flap of skin with surgical Scissors. The wound looks much better to me now and I expect him to hopefully make a full recovery. What are your thoughts on what I should do now? I'd love any feedback. P.S. water Temps are 47°, I have not been feeding at all- they couldn't process it now anyway. I turned down the circulation so they have a small current now. I plan to add some salt tomorrow.