I don't really want an electric fence .Would be my luck I hurt myself .Forget to turn it off .I had looked into it after my sister got one and she has had nothing but problems with it and she has it near her chain link fence to keep her dog in .All the poor(rabbits and deer ) animals that are kept out because of it .Dead birds also .Plus it should only be added to a fence with warning signs every 5 feet and has to be 4 feet off the ground by law here ,seems they are very strict around here about them because of injuries to people and animals. They say that because there has been people decapitated by the wires on quads .Can be an insurance hazard also because other people can trip or be injured by it .If I just put it around the pond and hubby forgets it could be bad for him .I made a fence for part of my yard in front but nothing will totally stop an animal .Can't really fence the pond only because it is to near to the septic tank on one whole side .Where the banana plants are ,plus all the extra work trimming that .I am trying to cut back on yard work and don't want to add to it