Thanks for the pointers, everyone. Yep, I remember there was a larger hardier tetra, thanks for the reminder, Haro. Yes, I do have a rosy barb, long tailed, and keep looking for more, would definitely love to get about 5 more of them. They are so colorful and the ones I had never went after anything. I also would love to get more rummy nose tetras. Red nose (like lipstick), white tail with black dots on the tips, very flashy. But, they were the only 2 fish that did not make it through the cold in the tropical tank.
So, will just have to stop by the pet store and ask when their fish are coming in, and if they will be getting any locally raised guppies. They have someone they buy from that has some really outstanding guppies, all sorts of colors and types. But, if you want them, you have to get there when they arrive, as by the following day, they are all sold. I think they usually get their fish in on Thursdays, so tomorrow may be a good day to go by on my lunch hour and ask some questions. I could ask them to order certain fish, and if they are fish they normally stock, they would not charge me extra. I just like looking and seeing if I just "gotta have" any of the ones they get!
Would love to get a scat for the brackish tank, but the Mono is so large, and she chases the heck out of the Archer, but does not bother the mollies at all. I guess she and the Archers are rivals. BTW, I have no idea of sex, I just call the Mono a she because of her attitude and bossiness. LOL