Yesterday I installed a hose bib next to a main electric panel and had to check local code. I was a little surprised there wasn't a minimum distance. I've seen in others states it had to be 36" away from outlets, but an outlet and electric panel are different things.
While checking that I ran into other related code. For example electric can't be within 5' of a swimming pool. I often use swimming pool code to decide what's safe for a pond. But the actual requirement varies by location. In CA a swimming pool and pond were considered the same thing code wise. I thought that was true for AZ too, but reading it closer a swimming pool is different from a pond...maybe.
There is also lots of wording in code about general hazards which an inspector could use to fail an outlet location. When in doubt it's best to call the local building department and ask even if you're not pulling a permit.
While checking that I ran into other related code. For example electric can't be within 5' of a swimming pool. I often use swimming pool code to decide what's safe for a pond. But the actual requirement varies by location. In CA a swimming pool and pond were considered the same thing code wise. I thought that was true for AZ too, but reading it closer a swimming pool is different from a pond...maybe.
A pond isn't "intended for swimming", so I guess code won't apply. However, I'd assume I'd be in trouble if I built a 4' deep pond in my front yard without a fence and a kid drowned. It's not much of a defense to quote code.36-1681. Pool enclosures; requirements; exceptions; enforcement
A. A swimming pool, or other contained body of water that contains water eighteen inches or more in depth at any point and that is wider than eight feet at any point and is intended for swimming, shall be protected by an enclosure surrounding the pool area, as provided in this section.
There is also lots of wording in code about general hazards which an inspector could use to fail an outlet location. When in doubt it's best to call the local building department and ask even if you're not pulling a permit.