We had temps well below -20. We ran the waterfall all winter, as well as an aerator and occasionally turned on the deicer. We have had nearly 70 days of snow cover, which means the pond was also snow covered for all 70 of those days as well. Monday it was 56 degrees and the pond is completely thawed. Today I saw my fish happily swimming around - sweetest thing I've seen in many, many weeks! - even though today the high was 26 degrees. Blah. Tomorrow - new record lows. Anyway, my point is, I have my doubts that the cold is what killed his fish. Having said that, I really have no clue what DID kill them. Very helpful, I know. But sometimes figuring out what it ISN'T is the first step to solving the riddle!
Something just occurred to me as I was re-reading this before hitting post - could it be the snow cover that saved our fish? Snow is a great insulator... maybe our pond was kept warm by all that dang snow!
Something just occurred to me as I was re-reading this before hitting post - could it be the snow cover that saved our fish? Snow is a great insulator... maybe our pond was kept warm by all that dang snow!