We received no instructions from the previous owners about fish or pond care and were told to " Google it" when we asked about maintenance.
To be honest, I think "just Google it" is really the worst advice the previous owners could give ya... at very least... they should have gave ya the internet address of a pond community they trusted or reference to a local koi club or local water garden club... oh well, that is neither here nor there now.
Florida sun and rain started turning the rocks black with slime and it was getting murky in the pond itself.
Slime is a good thing! Now, I never heard of a black slime, but, generally, "slime" on rock is something ya gotta get use to since it helps to keep your pond water filtered.
My husband noticed lots of bubbles at then base of the waterfalls that we hadn't seen before but I thought was just air bubbles.
Could be a few things... One, the biology around the waterfall is growing and giving off oxygen (seen as bubble)... Two, might be a result of organic decomposition or a chemical residue from cleaning.
Often times, after I clean my pond (don't use any chemicals) and fill with new water, then, for a week or so, there are bubbles and foam all over the place... This is due to various organic "stuff" was disturbed during the cleaning, and was not all remove... It eventually went away on its own for me...
All weekend the fish were acting trumatised after their ordeal of being moved then reintroduced into the now clean pond. We had a huge thunderstorm last night and this morning, like I do every morning, I check on the fish. All dead! I am so broken hearted and confused. I feel like we did something to kill these beauties by having the pond cleaned so we obviously need some expert pond advice before we restock with new fish. It's just terrible to not know what went wrong . I feel so bad for the poor fish.
My guess is the business doing your pond cleaning has cleaned ponds for other customer's ponds...
...I would kindly call the pond business that cleaned your pond if they could give you a referral of some happy customers and see if you can visit with these customers to see how their pond experience is going... Ya might learn something from them as well...
...unless the pond business tried a new oxidizer to power wash your pond... I agree with the others that the cleaning likely was not what killed your fish...
...biggest stress factor I see is a very fast change in pond water chemistry... Your old pond water chemistry and temperature was likely quite different to your new pond water chemistry (after the huge water change and cleaning)... and this type of stress can kill fish...
...fish should always be slowly reintegrated back into a pond that has completely new or different water...
...the fish should never be just thrown back into the pond that has completely new or different water...
...one way to slowly reintegrate them is by, over a period of a week, have a pump slowly trickle new pond water on the tanks floor... that is the tank where you are holding the fish... allow the water to overflow out of the tank, dumping off to the side somewhere... and then reintroduce the fish back to your pond.
The owner believes his guys did not properly balance the ph.
Yep, that is likely what was going on... a very sudden change in water pH, along with entirely new water chemistry, can definitely kill fish...
...sounds like there was a miscommunication happening with the pond guys...
Glad to hear the business owner is attempting to take care of ya..
We had a beautiful natural pond with healthy fish but because we wanted it to be 'pretty' my beautiful fish are dead.
@LorraineT , yep, I think you learned a very important lesson there...
Everyone has their own definition of what is "aesthetically pleasing" and, at first, most often does not align with Nature. It can be done, but takes more work to get that clean, "brand new car", look.
The way Nature takes care of a pond is pretty as well...and easier to do... it is just a different kind of "pretty".
...much like what people say to me... I am just a different kind of "pretty".