Sissy, yep, I expected the dogs to drink it LOL The cat loves it too, but, she's old and falls in half the time. One of my dogs loves to hunt fishies, and, when the pond was at my friends house, he would "stalk" the fish for HOURS, not even wanting to stop for food. We had to put a metal grate over it there. At my house, it's raised in a planting bed, and I just put up one of those little wire fences. He could go through it, but doesn't.
Keith, I like your idea, unfortunately, hubby is the type that won't do anything if it doesn't get him $$. He's pretty set in his ways.
Sissy, your son sounds great~! No matter what happens, he as at least one business to fall back on

No shaved heads in my house, though we have had mohawks and all kinds of colors. My older son just cut his waist length hair and donated it to Locks of Love. I hadn't seen him with short hair in 6 years. No tattoos on kids yet (I made a rule that they need to be 18, living on their own and supporting themselves). Of course I tell them also they have to wait as long as I did. I was 37 when I got my first
I'm the one who has the problems with doing the same thing for too long. I was in my business for 27 years. Now am looking to do something else, because there is no money there. I know I'll find something eventually, and, really enjoy being home (it's just that pesky $$).