Right... After monitoring the pH of the sealed parts of the waterfall for 3 weeks with no obvious issues, I decided to finally reintroduce it to the pond system 2 or 3 weeks ago.
I'm happy to say all is okay so far. No climbing pH, odd fish behavior, deaths etc. ALL the fish have grown so much this summer. Algae rapidly formed in the falls within the first few days. It was so thick within days that it looked like it had been in use all along. We are currently in the biggest drought that I can recall with only 1 or 2 days rain since December.
We have also discovered that we have new fry of our own. :banana: This is in addition to our 3 survivors and 13 adoptees. These (7 or more!) fry have been hiding out in the weed, a few of which have changed colour already.
When these grow, what will govern the number of fish in my pond?
Will I need to gift, sell or even cull new fry at some point? :yikesu: