Enthusiastic duct-tape engineer
One very effective way to keep mosquitos at bay while allowing birds to come to the pond is to keep a fan blowing on your sitting area. Mosquitos aren't strong flyers, and can't easily negotiate moving air. In addition, the fan blowing toward you helps to hide your scent from the mosquitos, making them "blind" to your location.I wouldn't like the look of mosquito netting and it would keep out the birds who like to drink from the waterfall, but thanks for the suggestion. Besides, I'm always on the go and wouldn't sit by it if I could. I get my pond time feeding the fish and cleaning the filters. I'm getting ready to repot the taro plants I have, but I need some advice, so I'll post my question in a thread about plants.
Here, we've had problems with Asian Tiger mosquitos for some years. They're active in daytime and can bite multiple times. Horrible little vampires (for the sake of political correctness, I've got nothing against vampires in general, just the ones that are out in daylight, against the rules of the trade, so to speak). I finally found a trap that works to reduce the population (of Asian Tiger mosquitos, that is) but I'm really hoping that the pond and its mosquito-eating critters will help rather than exacerbate the problem!