thanks again, I was thinking you meant 4 inches by 4 inches lol for the fishing line grid, 4x4 feet would sure be easier, I will probably make it 2x2 feet. Their wings are large, about a 7 foot wing span, they can not make it through small areas. The way I had the line it was able to separate it during its dive into the pond. So tied in a grid it would not be able to push the lines apart. They may have not tied theirs, but I am going to do some fishing line crochet, make the grid and then put it over the pond. I have 30 lb test, I think I will get some 100 or 200 lb test so it is even more visible. In thinking about it, I will string the line over the bog too, since this one landed in the bog. I could put the poles on the back bog wall and the upslope hill of the pond. Taking spray paint to blend them in makes almost anything look not too bad lol.
I had lines running over the pond last year, about 6-12 inches apart, not in a grid more parallel lines, the bird went through them. I had fishing line running between poles along the bog side, it was around 6 inches apart, the bird went through it. From what I could see on the recording it stuck its head through two lines and its body followed. That is another time the bird did a header into the pond, was actually really funny watching it. Head first dive came up sputtering.
The chicken wire works well there, you can't even really see it with all the plants in the bog.
They are smart birds, it came back 4 times on tuesday, 3 times before we had the fencing up, the last time with it up. The bird landed on the fencing, stood there looking around and took off, has not been back, maybe it decided it could not get in and gave up. At least this one gave up. I am sure there are others.
What surprised me, is it did not go near the lotus tub or the preforms. They do have fish in them, small fish, but fish. Total big pond focus.
I told the dumb fish to stay deep and behave while we are gone, but you know how they are.............will do what they want lol
They very seldom go towards the walkout area, mainly stay in the deep end. But if I walk in the pond, like a heron might do, they come swarming...........I can reach down and pick them up crazy fish. The total cost of these fish was around 10 dollars, the rest are children, so no big financial loss, but it is my job to protect them since I built the pond.