Whats a Shag, type of bird? I'll end up netting the pond as the plants start to die for the winter. Just don't like having to do it during the warm months. My cats probably help some, but he got the heron always seems to get some before he's scared off. Got two this last time which was a couple of weeks ago, but haven't seen him again yet.Herons hit me and ripped up plants and ate most of my fish. I was devastated. I netted the pond and then the Shags hit. Tore through the net, swam into the hiding caves and again got most of my fish, all my favourites. A week after getting a new dog one of the Shags landed between the kennel and the pond. Pupper nearly got it and no more threat, Haven't seen any since. We still get the occasional snake or Kookaburra but they don't cause the devastation. Nothing touches my Mums pond, she has a Dachshund.