Thanks everyone!
@combatwombat - I am planning to do graduated sizes of rock in the bog. A layer of large cobbles, then smaller cobbles, then egg rock, then gravel (not quite pea gravel - somewhere between pea size and grape size.) I am hoping that works well since the Aquascape folks do it that way.
@SarahT - I like your decorative cover!
@poconojoe - is it you who talked about your bog standpipe - and using it to shoot out the dirty water onto the garden? Could you share some details and pictures if so?
I got out today and worked 5 hours. I had to pump out about a foot of rain water in the deep end. Then I undid the overlay, liner and underlay pieces between the bog and pond. I lowered and widened my spillway notches and started to replace the layers as GBBUDD suggested (with the two pieces of liner touching) and then -- it happened again. While I had everything peeled back, I started looking at the shape of the pond and allllll that excess liner! Before I knew what was happening, I was carving out the pond excavation again - for a little more water volume. Then I put everything back together and did a bit of rocking. The hot sun chased me in around 1:45.
Now I need to watch some waterfall videos.
I know I am not going to get anything that looks completely natural. I would need enormous rocks for that and heavy equipment to move them. Not gonna happen. I would like to try for something that looks kind of natural, though. I have some big fieldstone slabs that I can hopefully put upright, leaning back onto the bog wall. That will hopefully give the illusion of big rocks. I will need help moving them, though -- and I feel like we will need access to get up close. This means not rocking from the bottom up. I know it's no good to see rocks just stacked one on top of the other. It is better to put rocks in front of others to hide the line of stacking. So it seems like it will be a top-down kind of job? I am having a time wrapping my brain around the process.
I also have a ton of rock on a roll that I can use. I am thinking perhaps along the high side? (Near the black flex PVC pipe - along the side where it runs between the intake bay and bog.) If I stack rocks up to that point, it will probably look weird. I was thinking some rock on a roll as a background would work with some other rocks placed here and there.
Here are a few pix from today.
The last picture shows the spillway and wall between the bog and pond. It is the area scrambling my brain right now. If I was The Hulk, I wouldn't worry so much about the process. But I have to be strategic so I can maneuver those big rocks. (Excuse the big wrinkles. The wind got a hold of the overlay.)