With the overflow being at the top of the vortex, this allows for a trickle water change system to be employed. If the vortex is being gravity fed then the water level in the vortex will be the same as the pond therefore it would not be able to overflow back to the pond, better to piped away to drainage.
Yea, that's what I was going for except for the trickle change part. It is mostly just a backup for when we get heavy rains or if I get distracted when adding water. As for adding water, I plan to place a rain barrel at the corner of the house. When I need to add water to the pond I simply lay out a few feet of hose into the side of the pond and open the valve on the barrel and let gravity do the rest. For those times when it is not raining often I can add water from the house supply into the barrel and let it sit/dechlorinate for a few days and then fill the pond.