I live in Oregon where bullfrogs are an invasive species. Two adults found one of my ponds last year and now we have hundreds (if not thousands) of bullfrog tadpoles. I want to remove them as they are detrimental to the native frog species that are also present on our property. We've had no luck netting them in any quantity. This is a large, lined pond - about 25' x 15', 3.5-4' deep - connected to a larger pond by a small stream. The larger upper pond does not have any tadpoles - just goldfish. The lower pond with the tadpoles also has goldfish and a few bluegill. We also want to tackle the huge water lilies that have gotten out of their pots and roots are now floating on the pond surface.
What I'm thinking: Set up a couple of large containers as holding tanks with pond water and a aeration pump. Lower the pond level gradually. Send my husband into the pond in waders and start netting. Dump the contents into a container and separate out the fish from the tadpoles. Cut out and remove water lilies as needed. Clean out the muck and any remaining creatures. Refill (well water) over a couple days.
What I'm thinking: Set up a couple of large containers as holding tanks with pond water and a aeration pump. Lower the pond level gradually. Send my husband into the pond in waders and start netting. Dump the contents into a container and separate out the fish from the tadpoles. Cut out and remove water lilies as needed. Clean out the muck and any remaining creatures. Refill (well water) over a couple days.
- How do I empty the pond without sucking out critters? I have a sump pump that I could fit with some screening. Will that work?
- After re-filling, I can turn on the pond pump to mix the clean well water with water from the upper pond. The pump circulates water from the lower pond to a waterfall in the upper pond. Water flows to the lower pond from the upper via a small stream. I don't want to risk the health of the fish in the upper pond. How can I safely manage the refill without losing fish?
- Anything else I should consider?