Help Needed: Pond MATH, THE Best AFFORDABLE External Pump w/ Filter & RESOURCES

Jun 20, 2013
Reaction score
Pacific Grove (Monterey Peninsula), California
Hardiness Zone
Zone 10
United States
Could you please take some photo's so we can visualize the filters Rona ?
Thank you :happy:


Hi Dave!

My new Pond Person Pedro showed up on Friday and Saturday. The great news is that the external pump was laboring because of gunk. Pedro cleaned it out and it's good to go. He also found my cattail rushes had clogged the intake valve in the pond, moved them and degunkified that. He also drained a lot of the pond (w/ the fish in a bucket of the pond water with dechlor first) and found a lot of fish gunk at the bottom of the pond - and removed some before adding in H2O sliwly with all the right stuff to make the fish happy.

When he turned the pump on, The fountain worked great! The shebunkins were filled with joy. I do believe I spotted a few Olympic candidates amongst them :)

There were two other discoveries: (1). A little black fish who'd weathered it all and appears very healthy. (2)The other discovery was (go figure) the reason I can't send pictures of the filter is because there is no filter!

Pedro and his pal will be back within a couple of days to put one in. Not a moment too soon, I think, because after they left, I made up a mixture of topsoil and pebbles in a bucket, poured it onto a layer of pebbles and gave it a nightcap of carefully placed pebbles around the newly planted lotus. I then picked it up and lifted it into the pond slowly (the lifting did me in for the rest of that night and the next day) and carefully placed it onto a plastic crate in the pond. Where it took itself for a ride to the bottom, overturning itself. The pump again clogged and the fountain is again down to a trickle. Today the pond is finally clear and it and I await the fulter being installed.

Ideas on an external filter which can be posed for its closeup?
Last edited:
Jun 20, 2013
Reaction score
Pacific Grove (Monterey Peninsula), California
Hardiness Zone
Zone 10
United States
Gosh, more and more ponders in need of help due to physical challenges. If only there were a way to match up willing able bodied ponders with those in need of help. I would love to pitch in and help, but am too far away! What a great service project for a church or school youth group.

Welcome back Rona! I hope you find the help you need!

Hi Lisak,

thank you so much!


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