Also, I can recognize a trap when I see one: I will make no comment about my pineapple preferences!
heh, smart, keeping mum about the pineapple trap! But if that envelope full of Benjamins finds it's way into yer pocket, just remember where it came from, capiche?
Oh, and party bus; yeah, we get that some times, that's why we make Dime drive cause you never know what the Queen of Anigifs has in her flask, ya know?
Now, here's some basic math re your pond prefs, as I just heard; the general rule of thumb is 1000 gallons for the first and 250-500 for each additional, bringing your totalt to...(hold on, got an old Texas Instruments calculater here...) 2200 gallons to 3200 gallons, give or take. Gives you a size to shoot for, but here's the kicker; ever hear of LPS? Got lots of acros for you to learn...Larger Pond Syndrome. And it's REAL, so don't show no disrespect! In essence, MOST if not ALL (and any that says otherwise is probably a pooler in ponder's clothing!) have enlarged our original pond, sometimes multiple times! (yeah, there's just not enough 'help' for some of us). So if you go twice as large as you initially want, you'll save years of 'what ifs' and 'I shoulda couldas'.
You'll get 'debate' of natural vs bare bones ponds ONLY if you're a koi purist. By that I mean, you can keep koi in either, successfully (despite what the 'purists' say) by adhering to some basic good pond stewardship. And you CAN have more than the 'rule of thumb' (seee MY showcase/bio; I like breaking rules!) but you should at least have some hands on experience and time under your belt before you go off on a bender. Bare bones ponds are ones without any plants, or even rocks in the pond. Many of us eschew that philosophy and so are called 'eco/natural' ponders. We don't care, we've got thick skin but not so wimpy arms, ya know? So, figure out which 'vision' you want and start with that. Post it up and we'll all be glad to
rip it apart chime in and give your our
biased opinions re what types of
problems opportunities you're getting into and how to
spend lots fixing circumnavigate them!
ah, shall we save you a seat on the bus? Somewhere close or far away from where the OTG sits? Remember, we don't let lil Queenie drive anymore, so you're safe!