They would fishin, they are pissed, ran out of food in the suet feeders, were stomping their lil feet at me last night. Making more today before they knock on the door demanding an entertainment refund.
As you can see, Scott, this is the ultimate in fun ponding site! Everyone here is serious about ponds, but knows how to have fun in the meantime.
I built my first ever pond last spring, and originally had it planned at about 5'x8' and it ended up at 20'x10', and I want to go bigger! So, they are not joking when they say go bigger! It's far easier to keep the water temps and chemistry regulated in larger, too. If you have several aquariums inside, as I do, you will know that the larger the aquarium, the easier it is to keep it clean and regulated. Same with outside koi/goldfish pond!
And, you have the ultimate best of both worlds! You live near Addy! As you will soon find out, she is a great help with oh so many ideas. The fact you will start out with all the plants you may wish to have, is icing on the cake! I even got some plants from Addy. She's a wonderful lady, and she is definitely on my list of places to go and visit if I ever get to Maryland.

Kudos to Addy! I must add, there are people in LA (Larkin) and WA (JW) and KY (T'Mann) and VA (Sissy) and ... oh, you get the idea, tons of experienced ponders that I would love to visit someday and see their ponds, too!
So, get ready to get ideas, remember to take TONS of pictures and post them as you go! I think you have to post something like 10 posts before you can post pics, so ... post away!
And, welcome to the forum!