hopefulkoikeeper said:Well we went and reread the DIY section. It is taking us a while on some of the media. I know that my info says Atlanta Ga but I actually live about 50 mile south of there in a really rual area.
At this point we are leaving the fiber fill in the drum because the water is still green and every time that we turn the pump off that feeds the drum....the drum drains back into the pondwe need to add a ball valve here.
We will be taking the rock out over the weekend (we don't have a grate in the bottom of the tank, but will be putting one in this weekend also)
From what I am reading alot of these tanks fill from the top but go thru a pipe to the bottom so this is how we are thinking about setting up the media bottom to top:
Grate (with about a 6 inch gap for poop on the floor of the tank)
2 or 3 different types of floor buffer pads (scrubbies)
plastic construction fencing for the bio media
grate on top (if media floats)
Should we put some kind of areation pump in the filter (We have seen mixed reviews on this)
All of our pumps are submersible
Yall (my southern for the day) have been helpful and we thank you so much.
To prevent the water from sliding back into the pond when the pump cuts off, you need to add a swing check valve (flapper type). You can get this at any local big box home improvement store in the plumbing section. In the case of a storm our power outage, if your pump cuts out, your water will stay put in the barrel. A ball valve will not do this task.
Most of these barrels actually fill from the bottom, but you can do one that feeds from the top too. The most important thing is that dirty water has to get and stay on the bottom, because it is heavier than clean water--which will rise to the top of the barrel. So you have to make sure clean water is able to rise and exit out the top portion of your barrel.
It is a great idea to throw air into the barrel. It makes the colonizing bacteria extremely happy and healthy--which is what you want.