There is lots of people I know that have a pond, but they are busy with life, can't seem to convince them to get on this forum yet, one of my friends that I hang out with got rid if her pond when they moved to a new house, and I can't convince her to put another one in cause she wants to simplify her life.
Another friend has this huge deep pond, beautiful landscaping, her husband is an arborist who trims the trees so nicely, BUT they have NO FISH!! I just gave them some plants this spring, a huge piece of my Yellow flag and now she says her pond never looked so clean!! She used to do what the so called experts told her to do, clean pond constantly, used UV light, and her pond was always dirty looking, then she asked how I keep mine so clean, I told her I never clean it, just the filters, the big sedge plants clean the rest! So she followed my advice and now her pond looks so very beautiful with crystal clear water! Now if only they could get some fish, but they are gone for the winter and taking care of it, way out on the outskirts of town, is difficult.