Is there an age limit for TorTrs where you guys live? I know we have it in my town but I have to ask my sons what it is
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Really? Like an official age? Are you supposed to ask for ID?
We've always had a policy at our door - if you're wearing a costume, I'll give you candy. And when the older kids show up with their pillow case and no costume, I see how creative they can get when I say "so what ARE you?" Give me a good answer and I'll toss some candy to you, too.
And honestly after the crap year these kids have had, I'd hand out candy to college students if they show up at my door. Who does it hurt, really?
We now have people posting on our village FB page asking what the "rule" are for Halloween - "how do I let people know we aren't participating?" Um... don't answer your door, just like always? Will we ever get back to people being able to THINK on their own without the government "keeping them same"?
@GBBUDD - I was being sarcastic in what the village board ACTUALLY said - but it came very close. They got wind of the fact that people were going to do it anyway so they decided to act like they were planning to "allow" it all along. When did Halloween become a government sanctioned activity?
Sorry - NOT a political rant. Just a commentary on our society that needs hand holding at every step of the way.
Here's my good news - we bought the FULL SIZED CANDY BARS! First 30 kids to the door get the big ones!