I talked to the guy a couple days ago, and I convinced him to just have a contractor come out and spray gun at your shotcrete or something and do their own kind of rebar thing. But he wanted me to coat.Concrete does not dry for a period time. The Hover dam for instance is said to have finaly cured only 10 years ago. There are many reasons why it may take longer in particular area over an other. Out door temperatures, Winds, due points, thickness to start.
Very few applications specifically state for the sealer to be installed while the concrete is still Green/ drying. Bubbling to me says the concrete may have been to green to apply a paint or coating.
I got a couple handouts from a supply house about what to use but I'm curious what you guys think especially after hearing the bubbling paint story. What do I need to know about coding this thing and maybe how long do I have to wait or anything else that I have to consider.
He wants me to add some plants around it and make it look cool with the rocks which I can totally do, really any idiot could kind of do it. So he's just going to have me do the lining and decorate it