Yeah, if the pond products are not helping, then I would definitely stop using them.
If this is the floating variety of algae, then simply having a UV bulb does not resolve this. These UV bulbs must have a proper water flow, which is stated with the UV device. A too fast water flow will negate the results from the UV bulbs. For example, the UV device says it is recommended with a 900gph flow and your pump is 1200gph. If you directly connected the pump to the UV device, then the water would be moving too fast thus preventing the UV bulb from properly functioning; so, to fix this, then a bypass line is created. The UV is connected to the bypass while the main line goes directly to the pond or wherever you desire. Everyone sets these up differently, but, personally, since I want to make sure I know where the water is flowing, I place a valve on the bypass line and the main line. So, if your pump is 1200gph and the UV device recommends a 900gph flow rate, then, since the UV is on the bypass line, open the bypass line by one-third open and close the mainline by one-third closed since 1200gph is approximately 33% higher flow rate than 900gph.
Look into using some quilt batting and possibly building a small bog. These filter to filter out the algae by either directly removing some of the floating algae (with the quilt batting) or by trapping the floating algae inside the gravel so to be consumed by other microorganisms (with the bog).
Look into do slow major water changes, of around 40% or higher, every day or every couple to few days.
Also, the fish might be getting fed too much.
There is the possibility of there being too many fish in the 2100 gal pond resulting in some of the fish needing to be re-homed, but I first try the other recommendations stated above and by others rather than jumping the gun to re-homing the fish; this is only the last resort.
Keep in mind... The significant amount of dense floating algae is present due to a significant amount nutrient production and excessive nutrient residual . So, when this algae is reduced, then you may likely notice an increase in ammonia or nitrates. So, keep an eye on the ammonia or nitrates while you are dealing with removing the floating algae.