I like my green smoothies, lots of recipies on the internet. Mine generally consist of an apple, banana, maybe some lemon, ginger root, a bunch of spinach (2-4 cups) maybe some other green such as kale, chard, beet greens, of course plus the beet and some water. Blend your variety of fruit and greens in your high powered blender and consider you are getting 10 - 15 servings of fruit and veggies. This is what I have for breakfast, I know it sounds weird, but I commute to work and it is easy to whip one up in the morning, pour into a quart canning jar, maybe need another pint size also. Pack that to work and sip all morning. Now if I could just get my evening meals as healthy..... I sometimes add chia seeds, or flax seeds (my blender takes care of the seeds, they are just pulverized), the list is neverending. People hear spinach and boo, but they are really good. A really tasty one to try first off would be a cup of almond milk, a spoon or two of frozen orange juice concentrate, a cup of frozen peaches ( I always buy my peaches in the fall and freeze myself) and a ten ounce bag of spinach and a tsp of vanilla. I love this one, its a good one to start with if you are leary about the spinach. Costco sells organic spinach cheap..