Going to be a long night and day tomorrow. Hoping I won't have to say goodbye to my best friend.

Oct 9, 2012
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Hardiness Zone
United Kingdom
Sorry for your loss Larkin we know how you feel our deepest sympathy


Mar 10, 2013
Reaction score
NE Penna.

I am new to this forum, however I am not new to the loss of pets. I don't know how you feel about this - however, I do make a request - please hold Endy when they do finally have to put her down. You don't want her to be scared and she knows you, she trusts you and she loves you. You have given her a good life - she has looked to you for love and companionship, please give her that same love and companionship when she passes on.

I totally agree with Dave - when you are ready, please go to your local animal shelter or ASPCA to adopt another pet. There are so many that need good homes.

Please know that both you and Endy are in my thoughts and prayers.


True friends just call me Larkin
Mar 23, 2011
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Hammond LA USA
Hardiness Zone
Thank you again everyone for the thoughts and prayers.
Carolyn, Welcome aboard. If I would have had to put her to sleep She would have been beside me 100%. She passed just after I had spent about 30 minutes talking to her. She was in my recliner and my wife wanted to stay with her while I went and got dinner and went by our rental house to check on some things. Suzanne texted me 15-20 minutes after I left and said she passed in her sleep. We wrapped her up in her thunder shirt, took her blanket and wrapped it around her and laid her to rest beside our lab that we lost just after moving here. They were best buds I know they will always be together and not alone. It's very hard and sad, but it's also a relief knowing she went peacefully and at home where she belonged. For now we don't won't to take on any new dogs. We still have our new Lab Drake, My son's dog Butch, and our 13 year old pug China. All are rescues or adopted from shelters or people that couldn't keep them. We also have 5 turtles, 1 cat, one lizard and soon to have our first chickens. Plenty of animals that need love and attention. Endy was also rescued and adopted, but she was only 3 days old when her mother was killed in a car accident. Which also happened to be on my birthday. lol Between that and having her with me when I went riding and dealing with her epilepsy for the last two years she grew exceptionally close to my heart. Now I can devote a little more time to the rest of the pets in our lives.

RIP, Endy 5-23-06 - 3-10-13


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Oct 9, 2012
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Hardiness Zone
United Kingdom
Larkin rescue dogs and cats are the best animals in our eyes, the love they return is ten fold even after the things other sadder humans have dome to them.
All our cats are recued Suki came from the home of a Chronic Alcoholic and was dreadfully treated so much so that she still has mental health issues too this very day but we are always on hand to talk her through them (mostly deppresion issues)shes an old cat before her timeandis now in her eight year but acts more like 14,
Pepsi came to us with problems which were solved when we found a tooth embedded in her tail where it joines the body, it had been there we believe for a number of years since I pulled it out of her she has turned into the loveliest cat.
Jack (Mr two tails) came to us as a kitten directly from a horders house where there were 16 other cats, he had to be nursed through cat flu where we thought we were going to loose him.
It gives an animal a second shot at life.
Our now gone cat family where recues too, I would love a dog but with our disabilities we couldn't walk one which wouldnt be fair hence the cats.
To pass away like that though sad saved her any distress that a vet may have put her through in her last hours peacefully in her own home was the best way to go surrounded by those she loved and who loved her God bless to her .


Mar 10, 2013
Reaction score
NE Penna.

I am so very sorry for your loss. It sounds like you have many others to give your love and attention to, which is such a good thing. I cannot even think of a life without animals.

All my animals have been dumped - at places like malls, graveyards and even outside of the ASPCA while nobody was there. It is so important to give these poor babies our love and attention.


True friends just call me Larkin
Mar 23, 2011
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Hammond LA USA
Hardiness Zone
I thought it was just a week ago that we lost Endy, Then I pulled up this thread and saw it has been two weeks since she passed. Well Saturday evening after I got off work Ii started looking for the little black pug China. She was 13 years old and deaf and blind. She's in the first picture I posted on the thread. I looked for her for almost three hours and well into the darkness. Couldn't find her anywhere. My wife couldn't remember the last time she saw her after she went out that morning to go potty. That's when it sunk in that maybe a black dog I saw on the side of the road when coming home might be her. I really thought when I passed it was a stray pit bull that had come up in the yard a few times in the past. But when I walked up to her it was my China girl. She had walked almost a half mile wandering lost and I guess walked out into the street. I buried her Sunday beside Endy, Johnny, and Cocoa. Johnny we lost to getting hit by a car when we first moved here, Cocoa we last 5 weeks ago to heart worms, Endy we lost two weeks ago to complications and kidney failure from epilepsy and Now China also to being hit by a car. You would think living well in the center of 13 acres and out in the country that it would be safer for my babies. Guess again I figured wrong. I'm seriously thinking this place is jinxed. Even so far as considering putting it all up for sale.
We are now down to only two dogs, Drake our chocolate lab we got after Johnny our other chocolate lab passed, and Butch my sons 9 year old half chow half Shepard. I really never understood how depression could effect someone until the last couple of days. I have set in a daze for hours at a time, Forgot I had to go into work today until my boss called. Haven't gotten on line and haven't eaten hardly anything. Thankfully my boss was very understanding today and even took me with him and away from the office and we went and checked on some jobs and I got my mind away from everything here for a while without being stressed to the max.
Now just hoping the herons stay away from the ponds, If they come up and do a wipe out again I may just lose it.............................


Jan 17, 2011
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Axton virginia
Hardiness Zone
United States
I know how you feel lost my Hunter to kidney failure 3 years ago and it still hurts to this day .Pee wee was actually born on the day my Hunter passed and funny thing is he has the same little butt wiggle that Hunter had even though his butt was bigger
Mar 20, 2011
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near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
Gosh, Larkin, so sorry to hear about your little China.
I can say I felt for a long time that my new place was jinxed as well. I came here with 3 dogs, plus my daughter's 2, plus 5 barn cats and eventually 2 house cats. I won't even go into who died when and from what, but I have many more animal graves on this property that I have EVER had before in my whole life combined! At first I thought it was God's way to let me know I had too many animals. Now, I just wonder if I will have any left, but then people dump dogs here, just when I think I need another dog! So, time will heal, although right now it doesn't seem that way. And, you are meant to have animals, and you will have more. As someone else said, we know that dogs and cats will not outlive us, we are their caretakers until it's their time to leave this earth. In the meantime, we can do our best to give them a good home and shelter and food, and most of all love. I have lost animals to medical conditions, heat stroke, hit by cars, and some for unknown reasons. But, I know that I gave them my love and the best home I could while they were here. Think of the best times you have had with your animals. Let their memories bring joy to your heart. That's how I get through the pain. Thinking of you and your family in this hard time.


I Love my Goldies
Feb 1, 2010
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Arlington, Washington
Hardiness Zone
United States
How sad Larkin to lose another one so soon. I'm sorry and don't give up on your beautiful home you have made there. Just give lots of love to the dogs and pets you have left and grieve for the ones you lost but don't give up. There are many of us here who have had the same thing happen that you are going through. If you didn't feel bad then you would not be a true animal lover. You just have to get through this and take what comes. You just have a big heart and it is breaking. You will heal and things will get better.
Mar 10, 2013
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NE Penna.
I am so very sorry to hear about another loss for you. Please know you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.


Jan 17, 2011
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Axton virginia
Hardiness Zone
United States
I know i sometimes feel this land is jinxed as moved down here and lost hubbies mom on fathers day of that year and then a year later his dad died on mothers day then my cat died and then harley my dog died and then hunter my other dog and 5 of my very best friends have died and several aunts and uncles .My brother and my 2 cousins daughters died .I just felt jinxed .My sons house burned and him and his wife divorced after and he then lost everything in NJ to sandy .Then my hubbies heart attack ..Had Stan the pastor, a friend to come over and bless the property again .Hope this time it heals the property and house .
Mar 20, 2011
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near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
I sometimes think that our losses are God's way to make us stronger, so that we can be there for others when they have losses. Sissy, you are a prime example of that, all the losses that have been around you, and how you have been there for so many people, family and friends ... and animals. Larkin, it's the same for you. You are a caretaker of animals, and we all know that we will outlive them, but it sure doesn't make it easier, especially when the deaths come in 2's and 3's. But, hang in there, you know that we are all thinking and praying for you to have strength to help you through these hard times.


They call me Ryan
Sep 15, 2011
Reaction score
Indianola Iowa zone 5a-5b
Just makes you wonder how much more you can take. I know 11 years ago, I lost my aunt and my grandpa one day apart. The worst part about it, I was out of town and that was before cell phones had nation wide coverage with out taking out a second morgage for it. It was my dads dad and he was on his way to Michigan to watch the NASCAR race. Took a few days for him to be reached as well. I'm very sorry for your loss Larkin.

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