Yes, it seems the tinier the frog, the bigger the voice! I had Northern Cricket Frogs on my pond last year. Never noticed any tadpoles, assumed maybe they came as adults, but now thinking as many as I had, probably had tadpoles, too, just never noticed them, as my pond was brand new and I was concerned with the water clarity in the beginning. I also had bullfrogs, but only heard them "croak" a few times. They are also on my farm pond, and in the ditch in front of my house across the road (that's where Grand Daddy Bullfrog lived last year ...) and did not hear them much. Not sure if I just was not outside when they were in their mating season time frame (i.e., was at work) or if they are just not very mouthy. LOL
Here's the Northern Cricket Frog. As you can see, they all have different patterns on them, very cool little guys, maybe 1.5" long at most.

This frog is larger, not sure if it's a young bullfrog or different type, but he was VERY friendly, and looks like he's smiling at the camera.

And this bullfrog I dubbed King Arthur, because he always seemed to be sitting on a stone (throne) instead of in the water like the others.