Getting closer....


Jan 17, 2011
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Axton virginia
Hardiness Zone
United States
You can take one of those out door thermometers and just put a weight on the bottom of it and it will give you an idea .I use one I got from the dollar store just to see the temps in my filters and use one at the edge of the pond under the bridge


Life is good today!
Jan 8, 2012
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Milan, TN
Hardiness Zone
Jen I have been looking at the skimmer you ordered. I'm anxious to hear if it works for you. My bog plants are really starting to show some growth and I think the algae has subsided some in my pond. Ah... the life of a a ponder. :LOL:
Mar 20, 2011
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near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
I'm wondering about something, and since Sissy is on this thread (along with others about this issue) I'm going to ask it here.
I had algae really bad in February, when it got so darn warm (70's and 80's). I was totally frustrated, and heard that perioxide would help kill the algae. Well, I finally tried it and yep, it killed the algae. I mentioned using the peroxide at my pet store (they are really good about all types of pets, including ponds and all types of fish) and both the owner and his top employee shook their heads and said "don't use it!" I said I already had, and they said that peroxide WILL kill algae ... it will also kill other plants (although it did not kill any of my plants that were already growing that I can tell) and most importantly, it will kill the good bacteria that may have been growing.
Now, I'm wondering if that is the reason my ponds are murky, taking them so long to cycle and get the beneficial bacteria up and going. I bought a total of 4 quarts, poured them in on the edge of the pond where the string or carpet or angel hair algae was growing and it has not come back, so I'm happy about that. Just wondering if that may be my problem with the suspended stuff in the water, causing it to be very cloudy.
Any thoughts, you pond pros out there?! :)


Life is good today!
Jan 8, 2012
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Milan, TN
Hardiness Zone
CE I read alot of threads about using peroxide and I was concerned that it might harm my plants. As hard as it's been, I'm trying to be patient about the algae. ALthough I do think it is getting better. Maybe it's because my bog plants seem to be establishing themselves and my water lilies are growing great.
Mar 20, 2011
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near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
Yep, PL, I wondered how it could get rid of one type of growing item (algae) and not harm the good stuff. In the end, the good stuff will reestablish itself, if it did kill it off. The part that makes me think it is NOT the peroxide is that I had no algae in the goldfish pond, so no peroxide was used, and the water in there is the same as the koi pond. Oh, wait, I used some of the koi pond water to "seed" the goldfish pond, so I guess it does actually have some of it in there; however, I did not put that much in the goldfish pond, maybe 1/5 of the water or so, therefore I doubt that peroxide is the problem in the goldfish pond. Otherwise it would be like I did a huge water change, which did not affect it. I'm still just baffled, has to do with the early warm weather, I figure, and then it got cold. Time will tell, and it will even out and clear up in time, I'm certain.
Jul 13, 2011
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NE Indiana
Hardiness Zone
United States
Pondlover, I'm returning it. It came today, ugh, I was so excited. Anyway, it has a 500 gph pump in it and there was some grass clippings floating 12-15" away when I turned it on and they didn't even move. After about an hour it did manage to finally suck in some stuff but not very much. On top of that it floats really nice until you plug it in. Once it's running the force from the pump output pushes it right up out of the water. It really wasn't designed very well, imo. After turning it on and off a few times, and pushing it underwater a few times too, it seems to stay at the level it's supposed to. So I went inside, made dinner, went back out and it was back up out of the water. Got enough to babysit around here to add a pond skimmer to the list too so it is going back. I'm sure running to long out of water would burn up that little pump in no time, and there's $80 down the drain. So I'm gonna splurge and get this one, at least it isn't as expensive as most of them that are large enough for my pump:

Country, I really don't have any idea and haven't researched it at all. But, unless you are overdosing or something, I would think peroxide would be fine. From my understanding the reason barley bales, extract, and pellets work is because ultimately they are adding hydrogen peroxide to the water as the barley breaks down and decomposes. So if it's so bad for your other plants why is recommended all of the time.....I have barley in my pond and everything seems to be fine there. Then again I've yet to see any growth in my pond yet this year. Thought my lilies were trying to grow a month ago when it got really warm here, but since it cooled back off nothing is happening in my pond or bog.
Mar 20, 2011
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near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
My pond lilies are all up floating on the surface, except a few that I planted new this year. There are flower buds, but they are all on hold since the colder weather. Nothing is dying, just not growing actively anymore. I'm just throwing out all sorts of ideas and trying to find clues and reasons so I don't mess up again, if it was something I did. It may simply be that we got that really warm weather in February and March, and then it cooled off to normal temps in April, and things went bonkers.
I got this skimmer just got it in the mail yesterday. It's the exact one I have in my koi pond, and love that the pump is inside. The Tetra one I got cheap at Menards ($58 or something) was just that ... cheap. I do not like the pump outside the skimmer either. Will need to get a larger pump, I suspect, as the 1000 gph just didn't suck in much water. Will wait and see how it does with the new skimmer, though, since it will be inside it. I love my other one. Funny, though, as the skimmer you bought (Laguna) was my close second choice! It was a little bit higher and I didn't have that much room. Good luck with yours!
Jul 13, 2011
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NE Indiana
Hardiness Zone
United States
My pump is 3500 gph, so I didn't have a lot of choices there in the $150 or less range. I did look at the one you got, until I realized it will be to small. To be honest I'm glad I talked myself into splurging a little more anyway. Now the pump and tubing will be out of sight, instead of needing to try to hide it. Sounds like your plants are doing exactly like mine are doing. Being new to the whole gardening thing, when I took out my old pond it was close to 80 so I divided my lilies. They haven't shown any signs of growth yet, I hope I didn't kill them. I was talking to someone else today on the phone about my water, and they said they thought that I was overfeeding my fish and that set off an algae bloom. I've been feeding them a couple of times a day, and they told me to lay off and maybe only feed once a week while the algae is taking over. I know I shouldn't do it, but I just can't help myself when it comes to feeding them, it's the only way I can bribe them to the surface!!


water gardener / gold fish and shubunkins
Jun 23, 2010
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Frederick, Maryland
Hardiness Zone
United States
As long as your lilies have the little leaf starts on them sticking above the soil, they should be fine. They are hard to kill.


Life is good today!
Jan 8, 2012
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Milan, TN
Hardiness Zone
My lilies are like yours CE, they have leaves all over the water surface and seem to be sending new ones up daily. I have a few tubs that are deeper in my pond and they seem to have sent more to the surface. My plan is to lower some of the other tubs but since I still can't see to the bottom of pond, that will have to wait till I can get in there and move them safely. I had ordered two online and Addy, :claphands: sent me tons of them and as far as I can tell, all of them have growth. The creeping Jenny I planted in my bog has really taken off and some of the other plants (not sure what their names are).

I saw an ad Craigslist yesterday for some pond plants for $5 each (Black magic Taro. Imperial Taro, Pickerel, cattails, umberalla palm, lizzard tail, Louisiana iris, Glyceria spectabilis (Strawberrygrass), the great thing is they are right down the road from where I work. So I have plans for my lunch hour today besides eating. LOL What is more fun that pond shopping? :razz:

Jen thanks for the info on that because I had planned on getting that same skimmer. We did purchase a pool skimmer to use and have an area that will be under our new deck that I was planning to install it, but need to get a pump to run that off of. Maybe later in the summer we will do that. I'm afraid to cut into the side of liner, but I know I'll get lots of help from the experienced folks on this forum.


Jan 17, 2011
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Axton virginia
Hardiness Zone
United States
I'm wondering about something, and since Sissy is on this thread (along with others about this issue) I'm going to ask it here.
I had algae really bad in February, when it got so darn warm (70's and 80's). I was totally frustrated, and heard that perioxide would help kill the algae. Well, I finally tried it and yep, it killed the algae. I mentioned using the peroxide at my pet store (they are really good about all types of pets, including ponds and all types of fish) and both the owner and his top employee shook their heads and said "don't use it!" I said I already had, and they said that peroxide WILL kill algae ... it will also kill other plants (although it did not kill any of my plants that were already growing that I can tell) and most importantly, it will kill the good bacteria that may have been growing.
Now, I'm wondering if that is the reason my ponds are murky, taking them so long to cycle and get the beneficial bacteria up and going. I bought a total of 4 quarts, poured them in on the edge of the pond where the string or carpet or angel hair algae was growing and it has not come back, so I'm happy about that. Just wondering if that may be my problem with the suspended stuff in the water, causing it to be very cloudy.
Any thoughts, you pond pros out there?! :)
I never pour peroxide in my pond and only use it to clean the batting to pick up the fine stuff and use it to clean my lava rock in my filter and use it when I turn the pumps off to clean some stuff off my waterfall rocks and then I just use a spray bottle with it mixed with water .I have never poured it in my pond and never will .But peroxide is just a by product of barley and when you buy liquid barley it is just peroxide .I have never poured it in and never will because there has never been any amount that can said is really safe for koi or plants .I just clean the stuff off that is picking up the fine algae .I take the quilt batting out hose all the heavy stuff off and then wash it real good in a barrel with peroxide and water mixture .Why put quilt batting back in if it still has algae cells on it .Clean it good let it dry in the sun and then put it back in .I have 2 pieces of batting for each filter when one is drying the other is in the filter .Remember pond stores are out there to sell you stuff .They will sell you anything and it is about profit .I see them selling all that cancer causing algae killer and wonder why why .They say on the bottle the dangers and even California bans them being sold or shipped there .
Jul 13, 2011
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NE Indiana
Hardiness Zone
United States
Well, this morning I did see one new leaf at the water surface from my lily! Must be a good sign. It never flowered last year, so I hope it makes it and gives me some flowers this year! I have used AlgaeFix before and it does clearly state it's a known carcinogen and to wash your hands thoroughly if it comes in contact with your skin. Although I never had any problems with it killing any life in my pond when I used it in my little preform last ear. But I only used it once or twice, never the weekly maintenance the bottle suggests. I do like to use the barley bales. Mine is in my waterfall right now and because the best place to put it is shallow it is not completely submerged. Funny, the part out of the water has algae growing on it and the part in the water has the brown slimy bacteria growing on it! Kind of makes me wonder if algae managed to grow right on the bale if it's not as effective as I thought it seemed to be!! LOL!

Well, depending on rain this weekend we are planning to rent a tiller and get started on the surrounding area! So hopefully if we get to make any progress I will have some more pics to post soon!!


Jan 17, 2011
Reaction score
Axton virginia
Hardiness Zone
United States
Thats why I really don't like barley straw it gets brown and slimy and looks ugly .I did have a floating barley planter and it was not bad .I even tried the barley pellets and the barley floating pads and the pads that seemed to work the best were the ones with lavender in them .Not sure what the lavender does .I got barley bale from a local farmer and since I have lavender I mixed them together and trying it out in my stock tank to see what happens .I took some of the barley out of the bale shook it because it does have seeds in it and added my dried lavender and put it all in a dollar store laundry bag and I will see what happens .Barley bale from local farmer was 2.50 for a big bale .I just hung the bag over the inside of the stock tank
Jul 13, 2011
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NE Indiana
Hardiness Zone
United States
Floating barley pads. Hmm, I may have to try to find some. I was thinking of keeping the barley in my skimmer though once I get it installed. Then I won't see it at all.

I picked up some flat rocks today and made a little cave for my fish. They seem to really like it. When I climbed in the pond they all made a beeline right to me! Funny, yet they swim away if I move to fast outside the pond!
Mar 20, 2011
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near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
It is funny, Jen. Today I was reaching into my goldfish pond to pull out a couple of the pots of lilies from Addy, the ones I thought were the minis (they were!) and the fish came barreling over. If I was trying to catch them, they would be gone, but just messing in their digs, they are right there!
Well, if the peroxide caused my problems, I'm sunk until it levels out. I'll probably do some more water change on the goldfish pond this weekend. And, bad thing, but I lost one of my baby koi yesterday. It had been somewhat lethargic for about a week. If it swam near the side, I could gently put my hand under it, but as soon as I touched it, it would wiggle free, but not nearly as strong as normal. It finally died. It was the biggest of the babies I bought last December, too, and the one that jumped out of the pool twice within the first 3 hours of me having it. The second time was AFTER I put the net over the pond, too, and it got stuck in the net. Bad net ... type for fruit trees. Live and learn. But, it was perfectly fine the rest of the winter, and since in the new pond, Now I'm worried others will get sick, but rest seem very happy and healthy.
I also was feeding daily ... tempted to feed twice, but quit that. I've only been feeding about once every 3 days now.
PL, sounds like you hit the jackpot on pond plants! Woohoo, that will be so much fun to fill up your bog all from one place. Have fun! Make sure to take pics after you get them all planted. :)

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