We did a nice little planter ring out of the round styrofoam you get at the hobby shop and then found the biggest coconut husk to put over it. Used golf tees to connect the 2. Put a nice little assortment of plants in as you can see. It was in the pond about 2 weeks. The koi were pushing it around and it seemed to be flourishing. Until Sturday.
It was a really hot day and it was wilting badly. Thought to myself, well it's just the sun and will check back on it Sunday. Nope! So I pulled it out. The koi had ate through the husk and ate all the roots off of the plants and left the stems on top. Plan B I guess. Just got to look through the ideas on here for Plan B. LOL
It was a really hot day and it was wilting badly. Thought to myself, well it's just the sun and will check back on it Sunday. Nope! So I pulled it out. The koi had ate through the husk and ate all the roots off of the plants and left the stems on top. Plan B I guess. Just got to look through the ideas on here for Plan B. LOL