FRESIA, most of what I've read says to wait at least 2 weeks before adding fish, but..... When I was waiting to have my pond finished & filled, I decided to turn my future SKIPPY [100 gal Rubbermaid stock tank] into a mini-pond. Had gotten some plants that needed to go somewhere, so decided to get a small pump and filter box [that I knew I'd be able to use later, anyway, with my spitter] and added a few goldfish [bought 4 fantails]. We have city water, so added de-chlor first. If nothing else, this was a way to get the beginnings of some beneficial bacteria to jump-start the pond. The pond is about 3200 gal. When it was ready, I added the 4 goldfish, plants, water, and filter media to that "ocean." Have added more fish and plants since then [the SKIPPY pond was in use for about 2 weeks, pre-pond]. The pond is about 6-7 weeks old, but hasn't "cycled" yet. Other than that, everything is good!
Yours is looking good, BTW!