First home, first pond.. water is dirty!


Apr 20, 2015
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NE Ohio
Hardiness Zone
United States
Hi. Nice ponds.
I can't help you with cleaning out the Skippy, but if it were me I would start partial water changes over a period of days. I have a pond vacuum and would also vacuum the bottom of the pond to get the stuff off the bottom.
Maybe there is a pond service that you could use to help you get the pond cleaned and set up the first time? You could watch what they do so you know how to do it the next time.
Just some ideas. Good luck.
May 31, 2015
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Holmbury St.Mary, The British Isles
Hardiness Zone
United Kingdom
What is in the two big filter tubs - do they have filter media on the bottom? By filter media this could be anything from loose sponges to lava stone to specifically shaped bits of plastic. These are all there to provide surfaces for the good guys to live on and process the incoming waste. Alternatively, maybe the previous owner was relying entirely on biological filtration, ie plants with roots with nitrobacter on the surfaces. The problem is that there are many variables that can effect the overall efficiency of your cycle, all of which may have an incremental impact.

For what it's worth I have something different, a closed pressure filter with pads, and I basically just replace them every year. So pump sucks in water, gets put through a loop with filter pads, the filter pads physically trap the waste, and the nitrobacters grow there to convert it, and there's an internal UV tube which kill off algae continuously, water comes out the other end cleaner over waterfall, and cycle goes on and on. I periodically squash the filters every couple of weeks or so and pump away the resulting dirty water out the system (google oase filtoclear 6000). I have a number of maintenance tasks I do but to extrapolate these to yours - but I'd like someone with a biologic skippy to chime in please as it's not the same. That said the processes are really the same.

My filters get clogged and saturated with waste and replacing them means that the water almost immediately clears up, because there is now a way in the system to capture more waste mechanically. I believe that the equivalent on your system maybe something called backflushing, ie stirring the sponges in the filter and flushing any accumulated goop on the bottom. As you have two, the first is designed to have most of the goop settle at the bottom to be processed by nitrobacter followed by the second which should tidy up the remainder. Looking at the green water they're both a bit overworked. see here - - so it's easy, switch off the pump, stir the media in both and release the goop in the tanks, make it dirty and smelly ie get a lot of badstuff released into the tank water, then flush this now dirty tankwater by having the outlet hose not run to the waterflow but releasing it out of the system instead ie into the garden, then once the water coming out is clear again reconnect the whole flow back into the pond ie back to the waterfall. The only bit I'm unclear about is media, hence my question at the start. As in these Skippy filters seem to describe various filter systems, some just biologic (ie just plants), others mechanical too (with filter pads). I don't know which variant you've inherited, or if adding a bunch of filter media like pads or whatever to medialess tubs helps - others should chime in on this as I'd rather not misinform.

It's interesting that nature on its own does perfectly good filtration systems that filter the water well enough that stuff doesn't need to be flushed away. For example crazy as it sounds, you could probably fill your entire smaller goldfish pond with reeds and run the water through that rather than the skippy filter, and that'd probably trap the waste and be a better filter for the larger pond than the manmade skippy. Some people on this forum have awesome large natural filtration systems like this for their very large projects.

Obviously afterwards you'll want to refill a bit and dechlorinated water is preferable to tap water - there are chems available to do this. In effect this'll be like a small 5%-10% water change anyway - these are good, because they reduce the amount of contaminated water. You can then also reseed the filter media with beneficial bacteria if you want to speed up the cycle again, and you can buy more nitrite consuming plants into the skippy filter like watercress or the very efficient water hyacinth that you already have so you have more of a cleaning engine going on.

One thing, the pump - the unit in the water that pushes the water to the filters - can itself also get clogged and washing this out so that the pump's draw (suction) encompasses the whole pond again is also a sensible thing to do. Because a pump that doesn't pull in waste from the whole pond to be nitrobactered isn't doing what you want it to. So whilst you're at it getting dirty and everything is switched off, pull up the pump, scrub the inlets, hose it off and clean obstructions so that the inflow is nice and clear again, then put it back. Fyi the yardstick is that a pump should be able to rotate the water every 2 hrs or so in your pond, if not more.

Once you've done these you should start seeing some improvements although if you still have a lot of accumulated gunk at the bottom of the pond (as opposed to inside the skippy filter tubs that you already cleaned) that isn't even reaching the filters then you'd be best off getting that out as well, net by net, as others have suggested. Slow and easy with a fine mesh net should do it. Or suck it out with a pondvac, but that might be pricier than you want to spend. The more of that you get out the lower the percentage of goop you have in the pond and your nutrient levels should start to drop and that will in turn starve the algae. But, if you want to kill the algae on a continuous basis, a UV light somewhere in the system will definitely help, and that'd be worth looking at adding to the loop, maybe go to a local koi shop and get their view on which is best wattage wise and where to place it. Bring along details of the pump though, the model number, because its speed will help determine the best wattage UV unit.

But with cleaned out filters, a cleaned out pump, cleaned out bottom, new UV light and more natural biofilter plants, I'd be surprised if your pond doesn't start turning nice and clear within a couple of weeks or so.
Last edited:
Sep 14, 2013
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Cincinnati, Ohio
Hardiness Zone
6 A
United States
Honestly, back flushing the skippy filters could be a very messy job, as I'm sure there is a build up. If you have some declorinator, you could over flow your pond ( a "casual" water change, as I'm thinking you might not have an extra pump etc ) to improve the water quality. A mistake we've all made at some point, is losing track of time while doing this, so make sure to set a timer.

I still think it's reasonable to contact the former owner...perhaps one e-mail with a detailed list of good questions, would not be too intrusive?

I agree about looking for pond / koi shops i n your area. A word of caution, there are tons of stupid pond workers, just looking to make a quick buck, so don't follow their advice blindly.....many of us have learned this the hard way :(

Headed out of town this am, but will check back later!
Oct 28, 2013
Reaction score
Northern IL
I still think it's reasonable to contact the former owner...perhaps one e-mail with a detailed list of good questions, would not be too intrusive?

And you may find that the former pond owner(s) is really worried about his fish and ponds - I know I would be - and would welcome the questions.

@johan gave you some great detailed advice. However you proceed, do so slowly. Keep in mind that stirring up too much waste at one time can be very harmful to your fish. The color and clarity (or lack thereof) of the water doesn't bother them one bit, but the quality of the water is vital. Waste, muck or debris that has accumulated on the bottom of the pond should be removed slowly so as not to release too much yuck into the water too quickly.

@Tula gives good advice too - getting fresh water into the pond (slowly, slowly, slowly) is a great idea. It's good to remember that it's the dramatic swings that are often more harmful to fish (temperature, pH, water quality, etc) than the actual problem you're trying to address. Like I said earlier - the fish have been fine up to this point, so proceed with caution as you work to improve things for them and you.
Jul 8, 2015
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Hardiness Zone
USDA Zone 7a
United States
I couldn't sleep again last night so I gave the owner an email addressing the current situation with the pond. Hopefully he will want to respond. Im currently stuck at work and til the evening so I hope I can figure something out after.

When looking in the first 70 gallon tub I can see goop a few inches below the water. So the waste is pretty high. Does this mean it's too loaded? I don't have a lot of money to buy a bunch of pond equipment on top of fixing the house up from the inside so I'll try anything else I can.

Will a garden hose work to drain some of the water out? Do I drain from the tub or pond or both? I saw there is a way to siphon without using a pump or suctioning from one end of the hose. I have about half an acre of land and there's a small garden in the back that they sometimes dispense the pond water into.

Thanks so much for your detailed posts everyone! I'm understanding the filter better but the more I do the more I seem to want one of your filter set ups so I don't have to wait on skippy owner replies. Lol. :nailbiting:


water gardener / gold fish and shubunkins
Jun 23, 2010
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Frederick, Maryland
Hardiness Zone
United States
Have you checked for a bottom drain out of the tubs? With the way they have it set up I would think there would be one. If there is turn everything off and drain the tubs, that would get rid of a lot of goop. I put bottom drains on all of my skippy type filters (previous ponds)
Jul 8, 2015
Reaction score
Hardiness Zone
USDA Zone 7a
United States
Have you checked for a bottom drain out of the tubs? With the way they have it set up I would think there would be one. If there is turn everything off and drain the tubs, that would get rid of a lot of goop. I put bottom drains on all of my skippy type filters (previous ponds)
That's a good idea, I only was looking at the pipes. Will look for a bottom drain when I get a chance.


water gardener / gold fish and shubunkins
Jun 23, 2010
Reaction score
Frederick, Maryland
Hardiness Zone
United States
cross fingers, will make it easy to drain out the muck, well
May 31, 2015
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Holmbury St.Mary, The British Isles
Hardiness Zone
United Kingdom
Fish manure is an excellent fertiliser. Let it all drain into the soil round your plants, roses will love it if you have them. I have a hosepipe connected to my filter's waste outlet cleaning pipe and always just give it to the plants round the side.
Jul 8, 2015
Reaction score
Hardiness Zone
USDA Zone 7a
United States
Can I use a garden hose or is that too skinny to move the goop?
May 31, 2015
Reaction score
Holmbury St.Mary, The British Isles
Hardiness Zone
United Kingdom
Sure, if you have an adapter that'll marry onto the outlet. How are you doing this - stopping the pump, then getting the goop to flow out via some other outlet pipe, or buckets, or watering cans, or...? And, did you encounter media like sponges/whatever? Obviously if it's a big solid mass a hose won't be big enough and you might just have to scoop it out, but if it's liquid you should be ok.

When I clean my filter I squash the foams 20x, the outlet water turns totally black but then I just let it out via a hosepipe, never been blocked or too big yet. But if you have small filter media you don't want to take this approach because you'll be throwing the media onto the soil. I have big foams that trap gunk and squashing them releases the gunk for the outlet to take it away through the hose. Will add some pics to my sig thread over the w/e to illustrate, if it helps.
Jul 8, 2015
Reaction score
Hardiness Zone
USDA Zone 7a
United States
Sure, if you have an adapter that'll marry onto the outlet. How are you doing this - stopping the pump, then getting the goop to flow out via some other outlet pipe, or buckets, or watering cans, or...? And, did you encounter media like sponges/whatever?
I'm going to cross my fingers when I get home to find a bottom drain outlet and flow it out back. If there isn't one I guess I'm going to get a bucket and work on my biceps. :cry:
Jul 8, 2015
Reaction score
Hardiness Zone
USDA Zone 7a
United States
Ok so I looked up the stock tank and it looks like there's a bottom drain!

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