OK, here I go, I'll stick my neck out. I had a 700-800 gallon pond for 15+ years, one koi (20"; he was such a cute baby) and 6-12 (former 1" feeder) goldfish 6 to 9" and generally, the pond was pretty clear, goldfish were healthy and happy (I guess - I mean, how can you really tell the level of fish happiness?) and I was happy because I have always loved goldfish. My fish have never grown more than that 9" and 1 is original to the smaller pond from 22 years ago (yes, 2 died, at ages 8 and 14). So, perhaps I am stunting their growth, but I've also never sent one down the plumbing (dead get a proper burial and living get re-homed) or released into a natural water source. So I think people are Ok with some goldies in a smaller pond.
Go Goldfish!