UGH!!!!! About 4 inches, pretty much all the way around my pond.
Sore subject. Why didn't I find this site before I built it????
I haven't gotten around to trying to 'glue' soil on the exposed liner yet. Will advise if I ever get to it.
I have exposed liner. I cut segments of burlap and stuffed the peices under the rocks piled on the edge of the pond and let it hang down about a foot into the water. Once burlap gets soaked it will stay pretty much close to the liner and you wont see it flowing in the water whatsoever. After I soaked it real nice I got a paint scraper and scraped my back patio which had alot of moss growing on it. I put the moss in a bucket and mixed a quart of buttermilk in it. I mixed it all up up with a screwdriver and then painted it on the exposed burlap. The moss spores with take off and cover the burlap. I think it looks rather natural and nice. That was my exposed liner fix...