With goldfish and koi, it’s not the number of the pH level that is the issue. These fish can tolerate a wide range of pH levels — we have some on here who have pH’s in the pond 9’s, and some in the 7’s. Mine normally runs 8.2-8.4.
Your goal should be a STABLE pH — one that doesn’t swing back and forth. You do this by keeping the KH high (I don’t recall the ideal range, but I shoot for 100-120). The KH is important because it “buffers” pH and prevents swings. Swings are dangerous.
For KH, some add baking soda, but I prefer to incorporate crushed oyster shells into my bog/filter system (it gives a nice timed release).
It’s been a while since I kept tropical fish, but from what I recall, certain of these fish do require specific pH levels. Koi and goldfish are not in this group.
How are your remaining fish doing now?